𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 27

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♪ Who's gonna make you fall in love?
I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart ♪

Charles Leclerc POV

I slept pretty well. She kissed me, quickly but she did. And that is enough for me to have a good night of sleep. After taking a quick shower and doing my usual routine I went downstairs and neither Arthur nor Leah was there.

"Are they still sleeping?" I ask confusedly as I join the guys.

"They left together, I think Arthur needed to talk to her. Maybe it's about Carla, I don't know" Lorenzo says also as confused as me.

"At 7 in the morning? It must be really bad. He has been really quiet these days" I say worried about my little brother, has it been that bad?

"He was kind of weird yesterday but I didn't care that much, I thought he wasn't in the mood to drink" Pierre says shrugging.

"He must be fine, he probably just needs female advice" Andrea says and I nod.

We went to work right after eating and Pierre stayed by the hotel. I trained with Andrea and saw Leah walking in and talking to Mattia. She spent the whole morning between meetings and when she came to have lunch with us she was with a smile so I guess everything went fine.

"Did you enjoy your morning?" I ask while putting my arm over her shoulders and she nods.

"The PR team is great. I loved everyone, some recognized me and were glad I was back. I think they have backup plans in case you start being affectionate in public so save it" She says letting out a laugh.

"People know us, they will find it weird if I am not affectionate with you darling. By the way, where is Arthur? I haven't seen him all morning and they told me you two were talking" I say trying to feel relieved.

"Could we talk about it later? He is fine, I left him at the hotel" She says and I am conflicted.

"Why can't you tell me now? Did he and Carla break up?" I ask now worried about him.

"He is okay, I just don't think I can tell you everything with everyone around. I will talk to him later and then I will send you a text, okay?" She asks as we arrived at the table where the guys were.

"That seems fine by me. He is my little brother, you need to tell me if everything is alright" I say quietly and she nods.

"He is fine" She says sitting by my side.

"How are things going? Are you liking the team?" Carlos asks excitedly and she nods.

"I love it, I think I will stay in Ferrari for a long time. The team is awesome. They are already thinking of tiktoks and everything. I love it" She says happily, she was genuinely happy and that is all that matters.

We had quick lunch before getting back to training and work. Lorenzo came in my direction when I was getting some rest and I knew he wanted to know about Arthur because he hasn't shown up.

"Where is he? Did she tell you? Did he and Carla break up?" Lorenzo asks worriedly.

"I don't know. She told me they were going to talk about it later, she said he was okay and that she left him at the hotel. I don't think he will come to hang around here today. Maybe they broke up or he is just too tired, I don't really know" I say looking around and seeing Carlos talking to Leah.

"Did you two have any conversation last night? He has been very quiet the last few weeks" Lorenzo asks with some suspicion in mind.

"Me and Arthur? No, he went to talk to her, he didn't went to talk to me" I say confused by the question.

"Yesterday at night he said that he needed to talk to you but then he was with Leah. Maybe he wanted advice from both of you, I don't know" Lorenzo says and I nod.

"I know I had two break-ups but that is a fairly normal number, it should be bigger with my age" I say still confused about why I would give a piece of advice good enough.

"We are still his brothers, he will always seek our help. Talk to Leah and see what is happening, I will be waiting for a call" He says getting up.

"I will do just that" I say going back to work.

At the end of the day I left quickly and saw Leah was leaving at the same time, she was walking fast and she seemed really nervous.

"Can you tell me what is happening?" I ask when I ran a bit to reach her.

"I will go to the hotel and see how he is doing. I will have another talk with him and see if he is alright before telling you what happened" She says without even looking at me. I stop walking and she stops and looks at me.

"Why do you need to talk to him again?" I ask finally demanding an answer.

"He showed up at my door, drunk. I saw him when he got to the room last night in front of us, he was sober. But in the morning he was drunk. I need to know if it was the drink talking and I need to know if I should share this with you because brothers keep secrets from each other and that's fine Charles" She says touching my arm like she was comforting me.

"I'm sorry, I got worried. But I am glad to know he is safe, I just find it odd that he went to get drunk after we left him in his room"

We both go to the car and went to the hotel. We went to our floor and I saw her going to Arthur's door, two doors down from mine. She knocked and he opened it a few seconds later. I saw that he hugged her, they said something and she got in. I don't have a good feeling about this.

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