𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 14

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♫ Don't be scared
'Cause if you can say the words
I don't know why I should care ♫

Leah Dupont POV

I learned 2 years ago that it was a mistake to like Charles romantically. I and Charles would never be a thing. Charlotte showed me that better than everyone ever could. She controlled him tightly but she somehow lost control over him now. I wanted to take everything from her as she did with me, but it isn't my decision to make. Charles needs to see the piece of shit she is. I don't have any hate for anyone but I hate her, only her.

I watched as Charles took the call and left, I got into a conversation with our parents and I was fine with it. But I couldn't stop thinking about last night. Why did I kiss him? Am I that dumb? Haven't I learned? I don't want another humiliation, I don't want to contemplate suicide once again. I'm better than this. I'm better than her.

"I'm gonna go home, I have some work to do" I say getting up as Charles and Arthur came back from the balcony.

"Do you want company?" Charles asks confusedly.

"No, I'm fine by myself. See you later maybe" I say and I see the worry in my parents' eyes.

I opened the door and as soon as I look at my parents' door on the other side of the hall I see Charlotte waiting, as soon as she sees me she smirks, she is here to mess with me. I know it.

"Finally I can talk to you without the bodyguards protecting you" She says with a hint of disgust and I let out a laugh.

"Jealous much?" I ask trying to mess with her, let's see how she likes it when I play her game.

"Jealous? Of the second choice? No, I'm not jealous of you Leah. Why did you come back? Do we need to talk about what made you leave?" As soon as she asks that, I was fuming. I would kill her if it wasn't a crime.

"I kissed your man yesterday, he kisses as good as he did in the past. I wish you were there to see it, he was really into it" I saw and her entire face just drops, she was shocked, to say the least.

"You kissed him? You are as desperate as you were back then. You had to get him drunk so he would kiss you? Maybe he thought it was me, don't start dreaming" She says defensively and I see how she closed her fists, she was mad and that's what I wanted.

"He kissed me back, he really did, I can assure you that he wasn't confused. I will take your ideas and I will make a video and send it to you the next time it happens" The fakest smile I've ever done appeared on my face. I wanted to throw her down the stairs. Hell! I wanted her to disappear once and for all.

"Don't you dare touch him again. He is my boyfriend, back off Leah. I will make you leave again and I hope you never come back. You are miserable and you are desperate for his attention. I did what had to be done, you backed off and you left. Take my advice and do it before you regret it again" Her voice was so evil that I wanted to rip her head off. She is just a demonic little bitch.

"I will touch him as much as we both want to. Don't worry, I won't send you a sex tape, I'm classier than that. Get out of the door or I'll call your boyfriend"

"It wasn't a sex tape. I just showed you what had to be shown" She says leaving and I feel the tears filling up my eyes.

I went inside and as I arrived at my bedroom I picked up my old phone where everything was. I opened up her text messages, she was evil. She humiliated me in ways I didn't know I could be humiliated. She started innocently saying she wanted to get to know me but she switched after less than a week of being with Charles.

She would appear whenever we were together, she would be all over him and checking my reaction. She started sending me hateful texts, saying I should lose weight, that I should stop harassing Charles, that he would never look at me that way, anything and everything was said. The night before I left she sent me a huge text basically saying I should kill myself, that I was a dead weight in Charles' life. I was on the edge.

I- I'm not proud of my actions but in my desperation, I called him, every call went to his voicemail, and then I got some awful texts from his phone, looking back now I know it wasn't him. She was using his phone. But it was subtle so in my desperate state I really thought it was him. The texts were basically saying to stop calling, that I was annoying, that he was sick of me, and all that. So I stopped, but I kept reading her huge text.

I still know that text word by word, they were echoing through my brain, I wanted to die. I was being stupid and dramatic but I was going to do it. So I made a last call to Charles. That's when I got it. A video of him and Charlotte, fucking, in the bed I've slept thousands of times, on the bed where I held him while he grieved. I didn't watch the whole video but I lost it then. I picked up a knife and went into my bathroom.

I guess all the sobbing during the afternoon got to my parents who checked on me a few times and my dad decided to check on me, he found me, all bloody and clearly not dead. It was too shitty of an attempt but I feel the same pain every time I see her. I thank god that it's winter and Charles still hasn't seen the scars, only my parents have seen them. They weren't really deep or ugly but anyone who knew me would notice it, especially Charles.

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