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♫ Read my mouth
If you ever want me back
Then your walls need breaking down ♫

Leah Dupont POV

I followed them to the kitchen, we were talking about what happened and then Pascale got in and they told her. I saw the tears in her eyes. Everyone emphasized that they would never want to lose me. It was a deep conversation, I had a few with my parents because they are worried I might do it again which I won't. My phone rings and I see a notification from an unknown number. I open it and I see a video.

My breath gets faster, and my heart, which seemed to stop when it saw the start, started to beat too fast. What is this? How many sex tapes does she have? My phone kept ringing with notifications, photos kept coming in. Oh, God. This is just gross.

I blocked my phone and let my body fall to the floor. I held on to myself as hard as I could, my body didn't react to me, I was trying to take deep breaths but I just couldn't. I felt Charles' hands around me, I smelt his perfume, and I knew it was him.

"Everything is okay Leah" He says calmly and little by little I stop hyperventilating, my heart slowly calms down and I finally let go of my legs. And there we were, sitting on a kitchen floor and I looked like shit. I knew it.

"I'm sorry" It was all I could bring myself to say. I couldn't even look at him without thinking of the photos. Why is she doing this? These pictures can damage his reputation and career, and hers too.

"What happened? I can't let this slide by. You need to tell me, I almost called an ambulance. I was really worried, we all were" He says and I see the fear in his eyes.

"I- It's nothing" I say trying to get up but he holds my wrist, he can't feel my scars but he could see them one day, it won't be hard.

"Please, don't treat me like a stranger. I feel like shit right now, I don't know how to help you, you don't tell me anything. I understand that you don't trust me but I've done nothing to deserve it. If I did then tell me and I'll own up to it" He says and I saw his watery eyes.

"Can you give me some time? Let's talk in a few minutes" I say and he nods.

"Baby, are you okay?" My mom asks when we enter the living room.

"I am now. It's 2 AM, and I'm tired. I will go to sleep now, I'm sorry" I say hugging everyone and Charles does the same.

"I'm going with her. See you tomorrow morning" Charles says following me all the way to my room. I take a shower, brush my teeth, and lay down. He does the same and arrives 10 minutes later at my side.

"Charlotte. She was right, I liked you more than a friend. But after Giada, I would never act on it. I knew my place, I never tried to butt in. She started to insult me when you weren't there, she sent me messages of all types. On the day before I disappeared, she sent me a huge text calling me fat, a waste of space, desperate, and all kinds of things, and told me I should kill myself. I was so down and it had been weeks of that so I tried to call you but I got some ugly texts from you, which I obviously know was her now" I say and he listened carefully.

"It wasn't me but I was with her the day before. I remember it. Did anything else happen?" He asks worriedly.

"She sent me a sex tape of you two. And I was so done, I was already crying, I was on the edge and then I saw that. It was your bed and your room but I spent so much time there and I weirdly felt disgusted, rejected, and betrayed. I- Shit" I say stopping as he was carefully watched.

"What happened Leah?"

"I tried to kill myself. I failed, my parents got in the bathroom before it got worse but it was never life-threatening, I was dumb. The next day I broke the mirror because I just couldn't look at it even if I was just packing my bags to leave" I say without being able to look him in the eyes. When I do I see him crying.

"I am so, so sorry. I didn't have any idea. I never saw her recording things, I would never do those videos willingly. Shit" He says covering his face and I felt my heart breaking.

"I know, I was blinded by stupidity"

"How did you do it?" He asks and I take a few seconds to process it. I lift up my sleeves and show him the cut I had on each wrist. "Oh, baby. I'm so sorry. I never thought this could happen to you" He says kissing each of the scars and I try not to cry.

"It's not your fault, I was weak and I let myself hear what she wanted me to hear" I say trying to lift the blame off of him. I didn't want that burden on him, he had enough already.

"It's her fault, not mine or yours. I will make sure she never touches you. I'm here for you Leah. Please, don't think about it again. I- I can't live without you. I survived but I am happier with you by my side. Don't die, please" He says and I sit on his lap so I could hug him and he was sobbing in my arms.

"I won't die. I will always be here Charles" I whisper and he nods, putting his head on the curve of my shoulder and neck.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, I felt him calming down but one of his hands was caressing my wrist in circles.

"I love you, Leah. I can't lose you, not you. Stay, for me, for you, and for us" He whispers and I felt on my neck every breath he took.

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