𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 8

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♪ No, I'm not feeling unwell
And no, it's not scary as hell that I
Want you more than anyone else ♪

Leah Dupont POV

I got out of the shower and put on the hoodie, it was Charles's favorite and mine too. It's really comfortable and I usually wore it after he did because it would smell like him and in my defense I will say that this man smells great on a day-to-day basis. I put on a pair of leggings I had there and got out to see Charles laying down in his bed and scrolling through his phone. He looks up and smiles.

"I missed seeing my hoodies on you" He says clearly happy and getting up.

"I thought Charlotte would steal this one" I say and he lets out a laugh.

"I wouldn't let her, she tried though" He says giving me a quick kiss on the forehead before entering his bathroom and I left to the living room. How can I still be in love with this man? I'm so dumb, fuck.

"You two took long at lunch" Lorenzo says and I roll my eyes.

"We had a lot to talk about" I say and they smile.

We ate dinner and I helped Pascale lie down. After that, the four of us went to the balcony with some drinks and stayed there talking and watching the nice view. We were having fun like we used to. I missed this. I was walking around the balcony and saw Charlotte getting out of her car and looking at us. I hear Lorenzo coughing and Charles quickly gets up and hugs me.

"I still saw her though" I whisper as I hugged him back.

"I tried" He says keeping the hug.

"I missed you" I say resting my head on his chest and I feel his body relaxing, his head rests on top of mine and I smile.

"I missed you too" He says and I know he was smiling.

"You are pissing your girlfriend off" I say and he shrugs.

"Fuck that" He says and I finally let go and he goes back to his chair with a smile.

"I missed seeing Charles this happy" Lorenzo says happily and I roll my eyes.

"He looked pretty happy from what I saw" I say and look back seeing Charlotte had left. She is coming here. I know it.

"He looks happy now. We missed you, you are family to all of us. It felt like I lost my sister out of nowhere, we kept living but still felt like a void was always there, you should've lived all those things with us" Arthur says and I smile hugging him.

"I missed you too. Don't worry about it for now. At least I learned that you can live without me" I say letting out a laugh.

"Yeah, Charles was pretty depressed during the rest of winter break but we definitely survived, we would prefer not to grieve a living person" Lorenzo says and I nod, we hear the doorbell, and see Charles getting up and leaving the balcony quickly.

"Do you still like Charles or are you dating someone?" Arthur asks and I quickly shake my head.

"I had a few dates and hookups but nothing serious, thank god. I also know my place in your brother's life" I say taking a sip of my beer and they nod with a smirk.

"Well, I'm glad you know your place because I have serious doubts about that" Lorenzo says getting up and opens the balcony door slightly so he could hear what Charles was saying to Charlotte. That was heated.

"What is she still doing here? The three of you can take care of your mother" She says clearly mad, she was trying to come here but he wouldn't let her go further than the entrance of the living room.

"She is part of my family, deal with it. I can't believe you had the nerve to block her on my phone and my brothers' phones. That was too much Charlotte" He says angrily stopping her from getting through him, she was really trying to get to where I was.

"She is telling lies, I didn't do anything. She is trying to break us up, she never liked me. She wants you, and not as a best friend. I only talked to her alone once and she was a bitch. She told me awful things" She says and her crocodile tears were getting ready to roll down. I clench my jaw and grab the beer with anger, what a lying bitch.

"I don't believe you. I can't believe that, she is not like that, that is not Leah. I don't even know you anymore, you told me our friendship wasn't a problem and it clearly was. You made her miserable enough so she felt the need to get away from the place she grew up in and the people she knew for years. What did you do?" He says and I feel the spite in his voice.

"I didn't do anything. Let me talk to her, I can work this out. But if I told you I wasn't okay with you being so close to a female would you choose me?" She says coming closer to him but he shoves her hand away when she tried to touch him.

"I would've chosen her. Leah has known me since we were born, she was there when I felt like I could die, she was there when I was giving up on myself. She never gave up on me. She is Leah, she is not a female, she is part of me. You broke her enough to take her away from me, so you broke me and my family as collateral damage" He says and I hear his voice breaking.

"I love you Charles, but do you love me? Or do you love Leah? She is Leah, nobody can compete. She is perfect, she was always there, she could make no mistake in your rose colored eyes. You love her, you always did. At least admit that so you can move on. I did what I had to do for the person I love" She says and the room gets quiet. Arthur tries to push me from the window but I fight back, I wanted to know the answer.

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