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♫ She pulled me in, I asked to love her once again
You fell, I caught you'll never let you go again like I did ♫

Leah Dupont POV

2 weeks later my restraining order against Charlotte was accepted, she didn't show up so it only helped me. I was leaving my parents' apartment and as soon as I open the door I see Charlotte was waiting for me.

"I will call the cops and they will get you arrested for breaking the restraining order, I can force you to leave the building" I say calmly with my phone in my hand.

"I- I am seeing a therapist. My parents made me once Pascale told them about your car and every other thing I have done. I wanted to apologize, I have a session every day and she is really good. She made me realize I behaved like a crazy person and I am really sorry for the pain I caused you. I deleted every video I took without Charles' permission. I was blinded by my obsession for him, it wasn't healthy and it probably wasn't love"

She started saying and I think she was being honest, her eyes were watery and her hands were shaking while she tried to hold them together so I kept listening.

"I started to live back every moment that made me decide to hate you and it made me realize that I made everything worse in my head. You made sure to make me comfortable and accepted and I saw you as the villain, the competition. I am really sorry. You were right all along. I was insufferable and I will respect the restraining order. I already moved out of the building so I won't run into the two of you as often"

"I can say that I forgive you because I don't hold grudges but I will definitely not forget what was done, how I was feeling because of you, and I definitely will not want you in our lives. I wish you a good life, away from us" I say crossing my arms and she nods.

"I don't want to be in your lives and I wasn't expecting to be forgiven. You make him happy, he looks happier than ever and I hope you two stay together because he deserves happiness above anyone else. He is a very good man" She says taking a few steps back.

"I will keep going. Thank you for coming here. I wish you the best" I say going to Pascale's door across the hallway.

"Thank you. I wish you both happiness" She says before leaving. I knock on the door and once Pascale says to get in I do so with my spare key.

"Charlotte was outside to apologize" I say when I find her sitting on the couch in the living room and looking at me concerned.

"Did she hurt you? Was she hurtful?" She asks when I sit by her side and her eyes scanned me.

"I am fine, she was being honest I think. She moved out of her parents' apartment and has been seeing a therapist, she wished us the best" I say watching as Charles' face was on the tv.

The race in France is about to happen. I was given the weekend off so I could have gone to court on Friday. My parents came to watch it too and I hoped it had gone better, he didn't finish the race and soon after I was getting a video call from him.

"Baby. I'm sorry, are you alright?" I say when I pick up and he just smiles.

"Now I am. You look good mon amour" He says happily.

"I miss you already. I will meet in Hungary tomorrow" I say excitedly.

"I will see you tomorrow baby. Are you alright? Where is mom?" He asks curiously and I call Pascale and give her the phone.

She talked to him and then my parents did the same. I said my goodbyes and stayed with them while watching the other drivers' interviews. The next day I caught the plane to Hungary and I waited half an hour before I saw Charles was calling me. I looked back and I saw him talking to Pierre and Arthur.

"Hey there" I say hugging Charles.

"You are looking good" Pierre says happily when I greet him and then I greet Arthur.

"I hope so. I can't go around looking bad" I say laughing and we start to head to the exit where a rental from Ferrari and Alpha Tauri was waiting, Charles took my baggage and put it in the trunk and we said goodbye to Pierre before heading out with Arthur.

"Did something happen? I tried to find out yesterday but you dodged my questions like a pro" Charles says while we sat in the back of the car. Arthur was in the front with a team member whose name I forgot. Shit. What is his name?

"Charlotte went to talk to me yesterday" I say calmly.

"What?" Both brothers ask turning to look at me worriedly and I try not to laugh.

"She went to apologize, she moved out of the building, she is seeing a therapist and she wanted to apologize. She wished us all the best and I accepted it. I want no more problems with her. She didn't hurt me or insult me. She seemed honest and stressed" I say looking at the worried Charles that held my hand tightly.

"I just wish she will keep her distance. I don't want to see her again, I hope she is fine but I hope she can keep her distance" He says leaning back as he was before I dropped the bomb.

"I am glad she wasn't a bitch" Arthur says relieved and turns to look ahead in the front seat while I laughed.

"I am fine. I think she is a problem of the past" I say resting my head on his shoulder.

"We can focus on the future now, we have a lot of ahead if everything goes as it should" He says happily putting his hand on mine. I smiled and nodded. I love this man and I don't think people can separate us now. Or at least I hope that is true.

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