𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 13

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♫ Hey, you there
Can we take it to the next level, baby, do you dare? ♫

Charles Leclerc POV

The next morning most of the night was a blur, but I remember some things, all of them including Leah. Shit. What have we done? That shouldn't have happened, she is going to leave if she remembers it, I know how she is. I went to the kitchen and saw my mom was there with Leah's parents, they smiles as soon as they saw.

"The party must've been good, it's lunchtime and everyone is getting out of bed one at a time" Camille says and I let out a laugh.

"We got here around 4 from what I remember. Arthur wouldn't shut up about the uber being late every 30 seconds" I say drinking a glass of water.

"Leah is up already, she is on the balcony" Thomas says when I look to the door, I was wondering if I should go talk to her or not.

"Thank you. Is she eating something?" I ask and they nod, I prepare a sandwich and a cup of orange juice and go outside.

"Hello there" She says as I sat down by her side.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" I ask and she shrugs with a smile.

"Good enough, what about you drunken boy? You drank until you almost passed out" She says laughing and I smile.

"I was just trying to forget everything last night. I'm sorry for what happened" I say and she suddenly looks at me.

"I'm sorry too, I was the one that drunkenly kissed you. I shouldn't have done that" She says calmly and I feel a lump in my throat, did she regret it now?

"No problem. Let's just forget it. It happens" I say and she nods looking at the view.

"Your phone has been ringing nonstop, you left it on the couch. Your girlfriend is worried" Leah says giving me my phone and I see all the missed calls and texts. As I was putting it down it starts ringing again and I gulp nervously. Shit.

"I will take this before she decides to show up here" I say and she gets up and goes inside.

"Good morning" I say with a big hint of sarcasm as I answered the call.

"Where the fuck have you been? I would think you were dead if it wasn't for all the stories on Instagram on a party until 4 am Charles" She says pissed off and I roll my eyes. She needs to calm down.

"I don't like to be controlled Charlotte, if you knew I was alive and that I was probably partying and sleeping afterwards then you should've stopped calling. You are losing control darling" I say and the call goes quiet, she doesn't know how to respond. Love it.

"She was there, I saw her on the stories. They were all happy tagging her. Tiktok is full of people talking about her and celebrating that she is back. How could you do this to me?"

"What have I done? She took your spotlight and you can't handle it? I understand that's fucked up. But she's Leah, she has been with me in everything I did, everyone who knew me also knew her, and she is loved by people. Deal with it. I asked for time and space and I'm not getting it. Are you forcing me to make a rushed decision Charlotte?" I ask and hear the deep breath she released.

"I'm sorry. I just- I can't handle this. She is Leah, you told me clearly what she means to you and everyone. I can't leave you with her for a week, she is dangerous" She says and I let out a laugh.

"You always trusted me, why don't you trust me with Leah?" I ask knowing damn well what the answer was going to be.

"Because she is Leah, you say she is just your best friend but she wants more and I'm sure there was a time you wanted more too. I can't let that happen, she will try to make you fall for her with her games, don't fall for it. You are smarter than that Charles"

"I need to go. Give me time or this won't go well. We will talk on the 26th. Relax a bit and get some self-control" I hang up as soon as I say that.

"That was tense" I hear Arthur say, I turn around and he was sitting in one of the chairs with a smirk.

"Charlotte is tense. The name Leah pops up and she gets all controlling and tense, I can't deal with that"

"She is insecure, she is pretty and smart and rich but Leah is what makes her show the ugly side of her" He says calmly while taking a sip of his orange juice and I shrug.

"Why? Leah and her didn't even talk much before she disappeared. I don't know how this got to this point" I say trying to remember something that would make Leah leave but I have been trying to remember for two years.

"At least we know it wasn't your fault. Charlotte did something" He sounded relieved when he said it but I shake my head.

"It was my fault, I should've been single for a little bit. I didn't want to be single, I was scared of it. I brought Charlotte to my family and her. I should've been quiet" He lets out a laugh as soon as I say it and I think if looks could kill he would be dying.

"You weren't scared of being single, you were scared you would lose your self-control with Leah. I have to praise you on that, you were strong" He says laughing and I hit him in the arm.

"I wasn't. During the party, I folded" I say and he completely freezes and his jaw drops.

"No! Did you kiss Leah? Are you crazy?"

"I wanted to but I went outside, she followed me and she kissed me. We talked about it this morning, and we both apologized" As soon as I stopped talking he bursted out laughing and I wanted to kill him.

"Pussies. You two are playing a really dumb game. You want each other and you are just seeing who will admit it first. I love it" He says getting up and I follow him inside seeing everyone talking in the living room. Did she mean what she said last night? Do I have a chance if Charlotte is out of the picture?

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