𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 10

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♪ Keep doing that thing you do
It's not like I'm in love with you ♪

Leah Dupont POV

I got overwhelmed with my own mind and feelings so I left and saw Arthur in the living room. He seems surprised and I see the tears rolling down my face, shit.

"Come with me" He says coming in my direction and we go into his room. I adore him so much, he always knows what to do. He is like the female friend we all wish we had but he is a guy.

"I can't handle all this" I say cleaning the stupid tears that were rolling down.

"What happened? Did Charles do something?" He asks concerned, I sat in his bed in front of him and took a deep breath.

"Nothing happened. He hugged me and I felt what I always felt, I felt in peace and I felt like I was safe. I don't want to go back to the dark hole I ran away from" I say trying to keep calm and I see him smiling. Am I a joke?

"And what is bad enough for you to cry? I can't seem to get what's happening" He says clearly amuzed and I roll my eyes.

"I still like Charles more than I should. I should've stopped feeling this long ago. For how many time is my heart going to keep refusing to listen to my brain? Is he that dumb?" I say and he lets out a laugh, so do I honestly.

"Why don't you listen to your heart then? Your brain can stop overworking. You are safe here, we are here to take the fall for you Leah. Charles is not a monster" He says and I get quiet.

"Charles never felt the same way. Giada and Charlotte showed me that. I am his best friend, I should know my place. Charlotte made sure to show me that" I say and he shakes his head.

"Charles liked you that way, I know it. Everyone knows it. Charles and Leah are Charles and Leah. You are soulmates, you can understand him when nobody can. He can understand a single eye contact you give him. That's another level, you are not only friends" He says confidently and I'm doubtful.

"I don't think that's true. He has been on a 4-year relationship and now he is on 2 years with her" I say and he shrugs.

"I can't talk on that, that's his thing, I can only say what I've seen. Give him a chance at least as your best friend. He would truly ditch Charlotte to have you back" He says and I look at the floor.

"I don't want them to break up because of me, I want him to leave her because he wants to" I say and he puts his hand on mine.

"None of us ever tried to mind his business, neither did you. You left you whole life here so he could keep living his', you did more than you should've. He needs to make an informed decision, he has two weeks to make that decision. Just stay for 3 weeks until the holidays are over. You will be able to control all those emotions, you did it before" He says calmly and hugs me.

"You are the best. I can't believe I had to spend almost two years without you" I say sincerely and he smiles.

"Don't leave Leah, you are like my sister. I need you close, don't be stupid" He says and I nod.

We started talking about other stuff. He told me about his girlfriend, Carla, he showed me pictures even though I've seen some on Instagram. He shared some funny stories from the paddock and I spent like an hour there before getting sleepy. I left his bedroom and went to the guests bedroom. The next morning I followed my routine by waking up at 7 AM, doing some exercises, taking a quick shower, waking Pascale and making breakfast with her.

"Good morning" I hear Charles says as he gets in.

"Good morning my handsome boy" Pascale says happily, Arthur was on the living room finishing a call with Carla and Lorenzo came a few minutes later and sat on one of the chairs.

"Are you feeling okay?" Lorenzo asks while we ate.

"I'm fine, nothing to worry about" I saw giving him a smile but I could tell he saw me crying because he was genuinely concerned.

"Did something happen? I heard Charlotte's voice but I thought I was going crazy" Pascale says looking at al of us.

"She just wanted to talk to me and Leah. I didn't let her get to Leah, it's all fine. I asked her for some time and space to make a decision" Charles says after a few seconds of silence.

"That was a smart decision, we will support any decision you make" Pascale says giving him a smile and continues eating.

We ate between some talk and watching the news, everyone took their dishes to the kitchen and I put them on the dishwasher. I sit on the couch to watch Netflix and I feel someone sitting next to me while I chose what I wanted to see. I knew by the smell that it was Charles.

"I'm sorry if I did or said something wrong" He says clearly nervous.

"It wasn't you. I got too emotional with what's happening. I'm sorry I didn't say anything after I left you on the balcony" I say and I start moving my leg up and down, I do that when I'm nervous, a lot of time it's unintencional.

"I didn't knew you were crying, I would've gone after you but I knew you were with Arthur. I hope he helped" He says and his hand grabs my tight and I stop immediately. I forgot this worked when it was him.

"He did, he always helps me" I say and relax a bit more, I lean back and start the movie I wanted to see. He leans back too and stays there. I sometimes took a quick look at him and I felt him doing the same. I feel like a teenager all over again. I don't like it.

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