𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 5

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♪ And I ain't been staying up
Overthinking us
Tripping all over these feelings, nah that'd be dumb ♪

Charles Leclerc POV

As soon as she left to the living room I went to the balcony to get some air and I feel my brothers sitting by my side.

"That was intense" Lorenzo says and I nod still thinking about what just happened.

"Were you really going to break up with Charlotte?" Arthur asks surprised and I shrug.

"I was going to do it. In the heat of the moment, I was really going to do it. Does that make me an asshole?" I say still confused by my own actions and thoughts.

"No, I understand where you came from. You gotta do what you gotta do. Leah would never ask you to do that, it was more to shut you up" Lorenzo says calmly and I agree.

"But I would do it to keep Leah around, I would break up with the person I've been with for 2 years if I could keep Leah. I didn't know it was bluff" I say and the silence was loud, they were not telling me something.

"We never liked her, and neither did mom. We just kept quiet and kept minding our business" Arthur says and I'm partially not shocked because mom was always pretty obviously annoyed by her presence.

"I knew about mom, but you two were good at hiding it" I say surprised by the revelation.

"We didn't want to be in your business, only you know why you dealt with her for 2 years, she is miserable in general" Arthur says and Lorenzo gives him a death stare.

"Leah showed me the texts where she apologized to you and sent you birthday messages" I say and they look at each other confused.

"That isn't true, she never did any of that. She was radio silent for the whole time" Lorenzo says picking his phone up and showing me the endless texts he had with no answer. Arthur does the same.

"Why would she lie? I saw the texts" I say as confused as they were. Lorenzo gets up and opens the balcony door.

"Leah! Can you come here?" Lorenzo calls and I see her showing up.

"What's up?" She asks confusedly as the three of us looked at her.

"We never got any texts" Arthur says and gives her his phone, she looked at it confused, she looks for something and then lets out a laugh.

"Yeah, if you block someone that happens darling. You can send texts and calls but you will never get the answer if I'm blocked" She says giving him the phone back and showing him her contact information which showed she was blocked. Lorenzo checks his phone and I check mine, she was blocked on all of them.

"We didn't block you, we wouldn't keep trying to contact you if we did" Lorenzo says completely lost.

"Don't worry, I know you didn't block me. My blood is starting to boil from anger so I will just exit this conversation now" She says turning around.

"Was it Charlotte?" I ask as she was about to leave and she looks back surprised.

"Oh, you are starting to know the person you've been with" She says surprised.

"Why? What is it between you two? Is there something I didn't know? I would never date someone if it meant losing you Leah" I say and she shrugs.

"She is a little bitch, she will learn that karma is a bitch. Or maybe I'm the bitch. I'm still figuring out if I want to make her cry or if ignorance is best" She says with a smirk.

"Can I take you to have lunch at our place?" I ask and she seems to think about it.

"I guess, don't make me regret it" She says shrugging and getting inside quickly.

"Did you two- You know?" Arthur asks and I look at him confusedly.

"What?" I ask trying to hear the whole question.

"He wants to know if you and Leah ever got more than a friendship" Lorenzo says nonchalantly.

"Oh- No. We weren't a thing" I say looking at the view.

"And did you ever want it to be a thing?" Arthur asks and I think about the answer. Should I be honest or lie my teeth out?

"Yeah, she was my first crush. But I never wanted to ruin it, so we never did more than what could be considered friend things" I say and they look surprised.

"You finally admit it. You were so in love with her. It was so obvious. Even at your rock bottom, you looked for her. Good or bad, she was the person you wanted there. When Jules died she was there holding you whenever you needed. When dad was dying, he told Leah he knew you were safe with her, he knew you could survive his loss if she was here" Lorenzo says and I could only agree.

"I was head over heels, for years. Giada was understanding, she tried her best but she told me I had to stop denying it to myself. I was only hurting myself and her. We broke up in good terms, she was shocked when she knew Leah had disappeared out of nowhere" I say and they listened carefully.

"Leah reciprocated the feelings" Arthur says and we both look at him wondering why he was so sure.

"How do you know?" Lorenzo asks suspicious.

"We were close friends too, she confided it to me a few times. She loved Giada but she was pissed when you started dating her, then she got used to it as the years went by and she never confided it again after Giada was in the picture" He says and I'm genuinely shocked.

"Fuck" I say feeling like the last years of my life could've been completely different but I decided to overthink it and I blew it. Now we went from best friends to strangers.

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