𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 21

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♪ Well, let me tell you a story
About a girl and a boy ♪

Charles Leclerc POV

I can't tell you how much my heart broke when she told me that. I had her in my lap now, I was in her arms and she was in mine. It felt right.

"She sent me a video and a lot of photos when I was in the kitchen" She says quietly and gives me her phone.

"I knew she took this with the only purpose to hold this against you because she can't do anything that would harm me. But this is too far" I say pissed off.

"I just- I can't keep seeing this" She says trying to stop her tears from falling down.

"I had sex with her, that is pretty obvious. But it didn't mean anything" I say and she nods. I clean her tears and give her a kiss on the forehead.

"I wanted to have it so bad last night but I can only remember you fucking her in that stupid video and now I have one more stupid video and I don't even know how many pictures" She says and I knew she was being honest.

"I wanted too, but if that stops you I completely understand it now. That would give me the ick too" I say and she lets out a laugh.

"Shut up" She says and kisses me.

"Can you always shut me up like this?" I ask when the kiss ends.

"You didn't give me ick but it's not the most romantic thought knowing I would go ahead when I know she is your type. Girls who look like models have always been your type and I'm curvier, I know I'm not fat but I couldn't be her" She says and I quickly shake my head.

"No, just no. I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I love your body, I've always loved it and I found it way better than theirs. I don't think you have anything to worry about, you were always the envy of everyone you came across" I say and she smiles.

"I won't be a rebound or something to keep you from being single. You need to live with yourself before diving into something again" She says getting out of my lap and I nod.

"Anything you need, I will show you that I have no other reason to be with you besides the fact that I love you" I say while she was laying down.

"I love you too Charles" She says opening her arms and I lay down to hug her.

She started messing with my hair and I fell asleep faster than I usually would. The next morning she was the one in my arms and I smiled, she was gorgeous. I looked at her wrists with the scar there. I feel so guilty she went through it.

I can't imagine how I would feel if I got a video of her with another guy, it would break me as much as it did her. I caressed the scar with my finger and I was sure that my goal for next year is to show her how much I love her. I want her, as my best friend and as my girlfriend. 2022 will be our year.

I picked up her old phone and saw the first video Charlotte, what made me sick to my stomach were the messages. Treating Leah like that. That is unforgivable, if I really loved Charlotte I couldn't ever forgive the treatment she gave to Leah. I can't picture life without her here. I knew she was alive and safe but if she were dead, that would've destroyed me for good.

I felt my eyes getting teary and I put down the phone after reading it all twice. I hate her now. If she was a man I would gladly beat the shit out of her and I'm not an aggressive person. I picked up her new phone and saw the photos that were from last year. Disrespectful and despicable. I saw the video and I knew when it was, I was so drunk I didn't even remember coming back home with her.

I blocked her number on both of our phones. I got up and went into the kitchen where her parents were clearly worried.

"Darling, how is she?" Her mom asks and I smile giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"She is fine, I know it all now Camille. I will take care of it. Charlotte is gone, for good" I say and she nods.

"I'm glad. I told her to talk to you, she said no. When we saw how desperate she got we had to think about keeping her alive" Camille says clearly trying to explain the cover-up.

"And I appreciate it, her life is more important than her presence. I'm glad she got through it" I say picking up a glass of water. "Thomas, did you keep the frame of the mirror she had in her room?" I ask and he thinks about it for a few seconds.

"I actually did, she has taken so many photos in it that I kept it hoping to restore it and maybe she could use it" He says and I smile.

"I will take care of it then" I say happily and he nods.

"I will show you where it is" He says and I follow him to their storage room in the garage of the building, we all had one. "Are you two back to normal? I can't seem to grasp what is happening"

"We are friends again, I'm trying to show her we could be something else in the future. I will let it flow naturally" I say confidently.

"That should've happened years ago, the drama would've been avoided son" He says letting out a laugh.

He shows me the frame and helps me move it to our storage so I could have easier access to it. We go back to the apartment and both Leah and Camille were getting ready to go to my mom's because it was time to start lunch. Leah smiled when she saw me and we walked across the hall, my brothers were on the balcony and I joined them and so did Leah after greeting my mom.

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