𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 18

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♫ I'm not going to try 'til you decide
You're ready to swallow all your pride ♫

Leah Dupont POV

We got inside and after brushing our teeth I went for a shower. I got out in a towel and I saw him looking me up and down.

"I'm going" He says before I could complain and I let out a laugh.

I dry my body and pick one of his sweaters and put it on. It was like a dress and I liked how comfortable they were. Sometimes, Pascale would buy him things in double because she knew I would wear them. I made sure the scars were covered. He got out with his sleeping shorts from years ago and I gave him a sweater.

"What happened to the mirror you had here?" He asks while getting in bed.

"I broke it a little before I left" I wasn't lying though.

"Come here" He says opening his arms and I snuggle comfortably in his arms, I missed this. "I missed you so much, everything about you" He says caressing my hair and I smile.

"I missed you too" I say feeling relieved she was gone.

"But, did you really feel no chemistry between us? Asking for a friend" He says and we both laugh.

"You had Charlotte. I wasn't going to admit it while you were in a relationship" I say lifting my head and looking at him, he was closer than I thought.

"That's good enough for me" He says and I knew he was using all his self-control not to kiss me now. I felt every breath he was taking against my cheek from how close our faces were. I was also c feeling his heart beating faster and faster because my hand was on his chest.

"Are you choosing another one of Giada's friends or are you going to be single this time?" I ask and he lets out a laugh.

"I'm done with finding replacements or rebounds or whatever. I'm done running from the obvious" He says and his eyes go from my eyes to my lips and I gulp nervously. This is stressful.

"I'm glad then" I say and try to tease him. I leave my lips an inch from his and his breathing becomes faster, and so does mine.

"Leah" He mutters with a raspier voice as he closed his eyes and he swallows nervously. I want to kiss him so badly, his eyes were darker than usual when he opened them but he was focusing on mine.

I get closer and I kiss him. As soon as I did it, I think it was all he needed, the hand that was previously running through my hair was now on my neck intensifying the kiss and his other hand was on my thigh grabbing it with enough force to make me want more. I don't remember ever kissing somebody like this. Ever.

My hand entered his sweater and I ran my nails softly through his abdomen and I liked it. He let out a moan when I pressed my thigh against his member who was clearly ready for more. His hand started to go up slowly, sending shivers down my body, he stopped at my waist and held me strongly. It looked like he didn't want me to leave. And then I remember that video. Fuck.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do too much. I got carried away" He says worried as soon as I back off and sat on the bed turning my back to him. Shit.

"It's fine. I need to get a glass of water" I say almost running out of my own room. This is why we will never be more than friends, I'm not Charlotte. I'm not built like a model and I will never be, I don't want to.

"I'm sorry Leah" He says as soon as I enter the room.

"It's fine. I just started overthinking. I'm sorry" I say laying down and he nods.

"Did anybody hurt you?" He asks calmly.

"No, I'm fine. I wasn't assaulted" I was glad he worried but I don't think I will ever say what ultimately made me leave.

"Do you want to be the smaller spoon?" He asks and I nod.

He hugs me and I quickly fall asleep. When I woke up, I thanked God I did it before him so he didn't see the scars. I brushed my teeth and when I got out he was leaving the bed.

"Good morning" He says excitedly.

"Our mothers won't agree with that. It's Christmas Eve. I have to help in the kitchen since Pascale is limited" I say and he laughs.

"Go ahead, I will brush my teeth and I will help too. I helped them both with the shopping and that was stressful enough" He says and as soon as he closes the bathroom door, I change clothes and went to his family's apartment where everyone was.

"Good morning darling" My mom and Pascale say before laughing.

"Good morning. Let's get to it" I say joining them and helping as I usually do but this time taking Pascale's place in the kitchen.

The guys helped too when was needed and I caught Charles looking at me but that was fine. They were having fun in the living room and it was fun. The tree was full of gifts, especially mine because I missed last year's Christmas. We went to the table and I had Charles on the right and Arthur on the left.

"This is awesome" Lorenzo says happily.

"Leah is ready to be the lead cooker of a family since her future husband has no talents in that" My mom says and everyone laughs.

"How do you know? I can end up with a chef" I say and I see Charles focused on me.

"I think you are more of an F1 driver wife" Arthur says while everyone nodded.

"Do you have anybody for me to meet Charles?" I ask and he had a little smirk.

"I would answer that if it was appropriate" He whisper in my ear and when I realize I laugh.

"I think I've met him discreetly" I say and I see him running his tongue on his lips before laughing.

"Let me know if you want a more in-depth introduction"

If curiosity could kill, everyone at this table would be dead by it. And the confusion on their faces was worth it.

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