𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 34

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♫ Oh, I used to say
I would never fall in love again until I found her ♫

Leah Dupont POV

Things seemed fine. We left for Austria and the weekend is being awesome. I was walking through the paddock and explaining some things to Carlos before we got to the garage, he was about to race and he likes to be busy so he doesn't think about the race. I got to the garage and I see Charles talking to his engineer.

"That sounds great. I need to go, thank you" Carlos says happily.

"Good luck" I say while he left.

"Hey" Charles says kissing my forehead.

"You look excited, will I watch you on the podium today?"

"I hope so, I don't know what to expect their strategy to be. There are a lot of plans and options but they seem to fuck it up anyway. Maybe if I got a kiss from the beautiful woman in front of me" He says leaning closer and I laugh.

"Nobody is looking, be fast" I say and he kisses me. It was longer than it should've but I am not complaining.

"Will we always be kept a secret? I mean I get that you want a discreet thing but can we be something more than friends? Can I call you my girlfriend?" His words are carefully said, I look up at him and see his eyes shining. He was hopeful and I wanted this as much as he did. I was scared but he never did anything for me to be scared, she did but he didn't.

"We can talk about it. I am not against it. I'm sorry if I made you seem like a secret. You know that it wasn't my point" I say touching his cheek and his smile appears quickly.

"Well, I will have to do this the fastest I can so we can discuss it sooner" He says excitedly.

"Good luck Charlie" I say looking into his eyes.

"I don't need luck, I have you baby. I will see you after the race" He says while Mateo called him.

He went to his car and I stayed by his car while everyone was waiting for the race to start. I go into the garage and watched the race from there. When Charles does the final lap with Max right behind him I barely could believe he had won. But he did! He won!

Everyone started celebrating. Carlos had retired but Charles won even with problems in his car. Everyone went to wait for him to park his car and Mateo pushed me to the front. He sees me as soon as he parks, he takes his helmet off, and then the baklava. He looks so good with the messy hair.

"Can I hug you?" He asks with his eyes glued to mine and I smile.

"Come here" I say opening my arms and he hugs me. I felt so many flashes on my face but nothing was going through my mind. "Congratulations! You deserve this"

"Thank you baby" He says happily. I pull him close and I kiss him.

That was the only thing I could think about. He took a step back and smiled. He greeted everyone and went to the interviewer, our eyes locked a few times and he was all smiles. I watched the podium as closest as I could. As soon as he got down I see him running to where I was.

"So... You are my girlfriend now. You know it right?" He asks happily while I walked with him so he could do his interviews.

"I am your girlfriend. Is that a good thing? Did you want to keep it a secret for a few more months?" I ask fearfully, I was impulsive and I am now scared of having fucked it up.

"Nah. I love you, this is the best day of my life. I won a race and I can finally call you my girlfriend out loud. People will need to deal with me because I am never going to shut up about us dating" He says proudly and I smile.

"I love you too, I will wait for you on the motorhome, I have some things to post about Carlos" I say waving goodbye as he went ahead to the interviews. I get in the motorhome and start working on the social media so we could post the things we have to post post-race.

"You and Charles? I was definitely waiting for that" Bianca says happily.

"I'm sorry, will it be a hassle for you? I should've warned people but it was in the heat of the moment" I say worriedly, she is managing everything about Charles and this could backfire.

"Oh no. Don't even worry, this is one of those cases I don't even have to do damage control. Everyone was just sitting around and waiting for it to happen. People who love Charles tend to love you too" Bianca says happily and I smile.

I liked to hear that, I didn't want to be hated by his fans, not that I'd care but they can be brutal and I would prefer if our relationship was liked by the general public. I stayed there for more than half an hour and our work was done for today. I leaned back and massaged my forehead, I felt like I was going to have a headache from overthinking this so much.

I was afraid he would be mad, then I was afraid Bianca would be overworked, I was afraid of the reaction from people's reaction and now I am thinking about our parents. We should've talked with them first, I know they wouldn't oppose but they should've known first.

I feel two hands on my shoulder massaging them lightly and I knew it was Charles. I rest my head on the chair and look up to see a smiling Charles already looking at me. He looked like a little kid.

"Hey" I say smiling, I see him and all those worries seem to go to hell.

"Hello there my beautiful girlfriend" He says proud of himself and I laugh preparing to get up.

"You are loving it" Bianca says laughing too.

"Oh, I am. I waited my whole life for this, you will all get tired of me" He says giving me his hand to help me get up. Once I do he wraps his arm around my waist and smiles.

"So, I will assume there is a party planned for today" I say as we walked to his room so he could change.

"Oh, there is a party indeed. I won a race and I won the girl, there has to be a party" He says while he took the rest of his suit off.

"You are that happy to be my boyfriend?" I am feeling touched by his excitement, if I knew it meant so much I would've told him a few months ago that I wouldn't mind us being a couple publicly.

"Baby, I am the happiest I could possibly be" He says kissing my forehead and I smile like a fool. He makes me feel like a kid so I understand how he is feeling.

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