𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 11

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♪ It started slow but then like dominoes
I started freefalling for you, no control ♪ 

Charles Leclerc POV

The next few days went fine. When Leah's parents arrived I went to get them at the airport because we previously agreed to it, Leah sat down in the waiting area and I waited up so they could see me. They texted me when they went to wait for their baggage. As soon as they saw me they gave me a huge smile, I present to you Thomas and Camille Dupont, her parents.

"You are looking good son" Thomas says hugging me and Camille does the same.

"You are looking happy all over again. I'm glad darling" Camille says happily.

"Leah has that effect on people" I say and they look at each other confused.

"Leah? Did something happen?" Camille asks and Leah finally comes to our side.

"Hello there. How was Jamaica?" She asks but I think the shock got the best of them because they just took a step back and had their mouths wide open.

"Darling, you came back" Her dad says hugging her.

"I did. Pascale got hurt and surprisingly enough having three sons is not enough caregivers when needed" She says giving me a smug look.

"I wouldn't have answered the phone earlier if I knew you would come back, I don't regret it" I say taking her mom's suitcase and start walking to the car. Her parents let out a laugh and followed us.

"You are staying for Christmas right? It's next week" Her mom asks and she nods.

"I will be staying for the holidays, maybe more. I don't know, I'm still deciding" She says and we put the baggage on the trunk, I open Leah's door and then Camille's so they could get in.

After I helped them get to our floor and get the baggage in the apartment, they quickly came to see how my mom was and stroke a conversation. They spent the whole dinner talking about Jamaica and all the things they did the week they were there.

"It's Friday, I got invited to a party, do you want to come?" I ask while I was helping her put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Do you want me to go? Isn't it going to be weird?" She asks a bit surprised and I shrug.

"It will be fun, the guys were missing you. Lando, Alex, and Max will be there, and even Lily might be there" I say and she nods excitedly.

"Let's have some fun, is Arthur coming too?" She asks and I nod.

We went to get dressed, we waited for Leah because she went into her parents' apartment where she had more clothes. She got out in a red tight long-sleeve dress and I was almost in awe.

"Let's go" She says excitedly.  We get in a taxi, I wouldn't be able to get home if I drove there anyway.

"That color looks good on you. It combines with Ferrari, you should wear it to a race, all the jaws would drop. You look bomb" Arthur says while we were going to the nightclub.

"Thank you! I like this dress too, it looks better than it did the last time I wore it when Charles had that party for entering the Ferrari F1 team officially" She says excitedly.

"I didn't even see that it was the same. You look as great as you did before" Arthur says and we finally get out of the taxi after I paid. I got in and saw Lando, Alex, and Max on my right and went to their side to greet them.

"Wait, is that Leah? She is back?" Lando asks surprised and I nod.

"Isn't it great? She is staying for the holidays" I say excitedly and she comes with a drink in her hand.

"Are there no girlfriends today? Where is Lily?" She asks after greeting them.

"Lily went to the bathroom, she will be here in a second" Alex says and she nods happily.

"Carla is coming too, she is dying to meet you. We always talk about you" Arthur says anxious about their meeting.

When we meet a girl there are a lot of things to consider, she has to get along with the people that matter to us, our family basically. Our mom accepted her, we did too, Camille and Thomas found Carla adorable. Now only Leah had to take her in. Normally she is good at evaluating people and their intentions, she normally is clear on her feelings and thoughts about someone. Charlotte was a one-time thing from what we are used to her.

"Hi! Is she here yet?" Carla asks a few minutes later and I look at Leah and Lily talking in the bar while waiting for our drinks.

"Don't be nervous, she is a good person. She is there" I say pointing at her, Carla takes a deep breath and they come in our direction.

"Hello there! You must be Carla and I'm Leah" Leah says putting the drinks down by our table and hugging her.

"I am Carla. It's so nice to finally meet you. You are even more gorgeous personally" She says almost mesmerized and I understood the feeling, she was stunning in that dress.

"I can say the same thing about you. Let's get you a drink and start this party" Leah says intertwining their arms and taking her to the bar.

Time was going by, and we danced and had fun. I kept my eye on Leah because guys were looking but nothing I couldn't handle. I was sitting at the table with the guys and taking a sip when I see a guy approaching her, I put my glass down and focus my eyes on them.

"You should just take the chance, if you both regret it the fault is on the alcohol" Lando says and I shake my head.

"Don't be stupid. I can't do that, it's Leah" I say crossing my arms while seeing his hand touching her waist, she was smiling so I wasn't going to stop it if she was fine with it.

"Jealousy is something I haven't seen in you for a long time" Arthur says laughing.

"I'm just looking out for her, there is nothing to be jealous of" I say shrugging trying to play it off.

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