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After college, it's hard for everyone. You just spent the last 4 years of your life working your ass off, only to come out with nothing but a shit ton of debt, and nothing but a piece of paper to show for it. I did everything I was supposed to. I graduated at the top of my class, and yet I had no job and no job prospects to show for it.

So here I was, back in my home town with my mom, working two jobs, and trying to leave my piece of shit ex-boyfriend in the past.

"Mom, I'm going for a jog." I said to my mom, lacing up my shoes, and setting my phone on my running playlist.

"Be safe. If you need anything, text me or Bobby." She called after me.

I rolled my eyes and put my ear buds in, trying my hardest to let it all go.

I jogged down the block past all the houses I used to play in.

I had lived in Charming for 18 years in the same house, until I went away to college. Most of the same people still lived in the same houses, or their kids did. When I first left, I missed everything about it, but the longer I was away the easier it got.

I ran deeper into town, and my breathing evened out.

The town of Charming was just that. All mom and pop shops, everyone knew everyone, and crime was almost nonexistent. Almost.

Almost on cue, the familiar roar of engines took over the sound from my headphones, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at how unnecessarily loud it was. They zoomed past, like they had no where to be, but everywhere to go, just like normal. I tried to just stay focused on my run, but I couldn't ignore the waves from the ones who knew me. If I didn't wave back, it could be seen as disrespect, and the last thing I needed was to worry about that.

I waved, and put on a friendly smile, and ran just a little faster.

After a few miles, I rounded the corner to the convenience store, and went in. I said hello and walked back to the coolers and picked out a water.

"Them shorts fit you even better now than when we were in high school." I heard from a few coolers over.

A smirk spread across my lips and I turned to face Jackson Teller.

"Still trying to get me after all these years?" I teased.

"What can I say, I'm a man of old habits." He said, coming closer to me. "How are you doing Adelade? I heard you were back, but you haven't stopped by to say hi."

"It's been okay. Just getting used to being back." I said, accepting his hug, and taking in the familiar scent of leather.

"Well if you need anything, you can always stop by the shop. I'm there most of the time, and then I have a house as well. I always have time for one of my oldest friends."

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