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When I woke up that next morning, Juice was gone. He had laid with me to fall asleep, because neither one of us could deny that we didn't wanted to leave the other, but it wouldn't be good if anyone caught us.

That was the unmentioned problem of us being together.

I stayed quiet at work, and didn't talk to many people. I didn't stay for parties, but I knew Juice's tag along did, so I made sure to keep my distance.

It was Wednesday, meaning I had to do inventory and ordering for the garage, so I couldn't exactly keep to myself. I was in the middle of counting parts in Kip's workstation, and Happy kept trying to throw small pieces of paper down my shirt.

It wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't so freaking good at it. I could see Juice looking over from time to time. He couldn't ignore me because I was only one workstation over.

I stood up when I was done, and took a deep breath before going over to Juice's station. I also dumped all the paper balls from my shirt onto Happy's lap.

I sat down on the stool, and starting counting his parts.

If I wasn't so focused I would have heard the sirens for a mile away. It would have given me time to prepare myself, but I didn't.

Several police cars stormed the lot, and within seconds there where cops coming into the garage and shouting at us.

The guy put his automatic gun in my face and I put my hands in front of my face.

"Get on the ground!" He shouted, shoving the gun more and more into my face, and I started crying.

"Leave her alone!" Juice said, pushing the cop down. "Baby, just get down okay, they're not here for you."

The cop got back up, and punched Juice. I saw blood spring to the fresh cut on his face, and I laid down and covered my face so I didn't have to see anymore. I laid there crying, a guy standing over me with a gun fixed to my head.

They put the guys in cuffs, and finally let me up. I watched in horror as I saw them load Juice. Red marks covered his face where the cop had hit him. He looked over at me, and his face fell when he saw me crying.

Why did I have to be so stupid, why couldn't I just let him in? Now he was going to jail and I had no idea when I would see him.


No one would tell me what they were in for. But they were supposed to be out soon. They were holding everyone in relation to something that happened, but they didn't want me knowing the details. Jax, Juice, Ope, Tig, Chibs, Clay, and Happy were taken in for whatever the crime was.

Work wasn't the same. Gemma was always working to get them out, and the guys had to cover the slack from everyone missing, so everyone stayed really busy. Bobby kept reassuring me that they would be fine.

On the night they were set to be released, they were having a get together, but I had another plan.

After mom and Bobby left, I got ready for what I was going to do. I took a shower, and did my hair. I straightened my hair, and left it down simple. I put a little eye makeup on, and got dressed. I chose a striped dress that fell to the middle of my thigh. I slipped on some sandals, grabbed my phone, and was on my way.

The drive seemed to take forever, and my stomach flipped over in my stomach every mile I drove. When I finally arrived, my stomach dropped as I saw that his bike wasn't there. I got out of my truck, and sat on his small porch.

And then I waited.

After an hour ticked by, I started to regret my idea. If he was at the club house and didn't see me, he might think that I was done. And maybe he would do something stupid.

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