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I was so excited that I was going home to see Juice, that I only got about two hours of sleep. A mimosa at breakfast ensure that I would be asleep for the entirety of the four hour drive home.

I braided my hair so it would set off the front of my shoulder. I was wearing some shorts, one of the new crop tank tops Lyla had convinced me to buy, and one of Juice's hoodies. I curled up into a ball once we were on our way, and quickly fell asleep.

"She's been asleep the whole ride." Lyla whispered beside me.

"Baby, you're home." Juice whispered, leaving small kisses on my cheek and neck.

I groaned, and tried to turn away from him, too tired to get up yet. Instead of getting away from him, he scooped me up, and pulled me out of the car.

"You gotta get up, or I'm going to leave you in the dorm until you get up." He said, knowing all I wanted to do was go home with him.

"Fine." I said, opening my eyes.

He set me down carefully, and I put my arms around his and laid my head against his chest.

"Good girl." he said, kissing the top of my head.

I looked up at him, and he gave me a passionate kiss.

He pulled away when he heard the hoots and hollers from the club.

I rolled my eyes, as he left one last kiss on my lips, before taking my hand and leading me up to the club. All the guys greeted their girls, and the rest of them just picked fun at them for being "pussy whipped".

"Hey, what was that surprise for me?" Juice asked. I could tell by his smile he was excited.

"Oh, yeah!" I said. I pulled away from him, and unzipped my hoodie.

"Did you steal Lyla's shirt?" Tig asked, nudging Lyla lightly with his elbow.

"She liked it." Lyla said, defending herself.

I pulled the sleeves off, and showed off my new ink.

"Oh my god. That's awesome." Juice said, lifting up my arm lightly to take a closer look at it.

"Ade, that's sick." Jax said, running his thumb over it lightly.

"Mom hates it though." I said, grinning at my mom.

"Not that I don't love your guys' tattoos, but she's too beautiful to put something like that on her body." she said, sounding way too much like a mom.

"Yeah, she's beautiful, but now she's even more sexy." Tig said, and all the guys gave him a look. "What?"

He shrugged and let out a laugh.

"I love it. It's awesome." Juice said, kissing my forehead.

"So we planned dinner tonight, it's at 8." Jax said, and you could tell it was his idea and he was more than proud of it.

"I would like to go home and freshen up." My mom said, almost too shy to speak up.

"Me, too." Lyla said, smiling sweetly up at Opie.

"Alright. You girls all go home and get ready, and be on time for dinner." Jax said.

I put my bags in my mom's car, and we followed her home on Juice's bike.

Juice, being quite the gentleman, offered to bring in all the bag.

"Hey sweetheart?" My mom said, pulling me into the kitchen away from the ears of Juice. "Bobby and I haven't had much quality time together lately, so I was wondering if you could stay at Juice's for a couple days? As much as I love you being home, we really enjoy having the house to ourselves. Call us a couple of old fogies, but we would really appreciate it."

"That's fine mom." I said, laughing, but also trying to get the image of what Bobby and my mom would do out of my mind.

"Thank you. It means a lot." She smiled at me.

I met Juice in my room, and he was busy looking through my shopping bags.

"Hey snoop." I said, smiling at him, and closing the door behind me. "Can I stay with you for a couple days?"

"Of course." he said, putting his hands on my hips. "Why, what's up?"

"Mom and Bobby want me out. Said they want some alone time." I said, running my hand over his mohawk.

"Fine by me." He said, running his hands up and down my bare legs.

"Thank you baby." I said, leaving a kiss on his lips.

It took longer than I would have liked to pack up my bag for Juice's place. He kept handing me clothes he wanted to see me wear, but weren't practical for work. Like my little black party dress, and my shortest crop top. But I eventually packed everything I needed, and we made our way out.

It was always so much nicer when it was just Juice and I. Even riding with him had gotten better. Instead of holding on for dear life like I used to, my hands rested calmly on his legs.

He carried my things in, once we were at his placed, and he quickly swept me up in his arms. I let out a small squeal, and I couldn't help the smile on my face, when I saw how happy he was.

"I missed you beautiful." He said, kissing my cheek.

"I missed you, too. Despite my not very warm welcome." I said. "I'm not that pleasant when I'm tired."

"Well I've been an ass to you enough, so you can get away with a little grumpy fit." He said, walking me into the bedroom, and laying me down on the bed.

He laid down next to me, and pulled me into him. I laid my head on his chest, and we both fell silent.

"I love the tattoo by the way. Tig was right, it made you even sexier. Not that you weren't already the most beautiful, sexy woman in the world. But you make me feel luckier and luckier every day." He said, kissing the top of my head.

"You're amazing." I said, quietly.

"I have a surprise for you." He said, rubbing my arm lightly. "I cleaned out some space for you in my closet, and a drawer in my dresser. I heard that's like a thing that happens with couples."

"That's so sweet." I said, looking up at him, swooning.

"I wanted to do something to show you that I'm serious about you."

I didn't know what to say. So I just leaned up and kissed him.

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