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We had decided to tell everyone about the baby once we figured out where we were at in our relationship. Juice had broken things off with the slut, and we were working on things.

Juice was having a hard time with trust. Even though he understood why I did what I did, he was frustrated that I didn't go to him for anything.

I was having a hard time with the way he acted toward me when we were broken up. We needed to mend the things, but the love was still there.

The hormones had really kicked in, and it pretty much just made me cry multiple times a day. Not that I didn't typically do that anyways, but it was over anything and everything.

I was sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor, crying over my clothes.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" Juice asked, before seeing me crying. "What's wrong?"

He helped me off the floor, and took me into my arms, rubbing my back.

"I can't wear anything without showing off these ugly bruises." I said, in between heavy breaths.

"Shhh. Relax." he said, trying to calm me down. "No matter what you wear, you're going to look beautiful, and those bruises show everyone what a fighter you are."

"I'm sorry." I said, wiping my face, and already dreading having to put my makeup back on. "I'll be ready in a little bit."

I waited for him to leave me to get ready, but he stayed. I looked up into his eyes, and he studied my face. His hand lifted my face to his, and he closely and carefully brought his lips down to mine. His other hand found the small of my back, and he pulled me against him gently. His tongue parted my lips, and my heart sped up at the gesture. He pulled away, and I slowly opened my eyes, worried that this had all just been a dream, but when I saw him my heart fluttered.

This was the first kiss we had shared since we had broken up, and all my fears with him had gone away.

"I'll leave you to get ready." He said, leaving one last kiss on my lips.


We pulled up to the garage, and everyone was waiting outside to greet us. Juice came around to open my door and help me out. I was excited to be back at the club, but I was going to tell everyone what had happened. Juice insisted that I didn't have to, that he would pass everything along to the club, but I needed to do this.

The first person to greet me was Jax, he pulled me into him, and kissed the side of my head.

"Hey there darlin'. Are you feeling better?" He asked, letting me go.

"Yeah. The bruises don't hurt anymore, they just look real nasty." I said, shrugging.

The rest of the guys greeted me, and Juice took my hand as they all walked into church. Juice offered me his seat at the table, and sat behind me on the couch. He knew the story, but I knew it wasn't going to be easy for him regardless.

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