Final Chapter.

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A few weeks later, I had really started to pop, and it was getting harder and harder to cover up the fact that I was pregnant. Things with Juice were slow going, but it was actually really nice. Everything we had went through so far had been so fast and hectic, and by slowing things down it felt more like a normal couple.

We hadn't had sex yet, but that had more to do with me healing, than anything else. Even after the doctor had said I was completely healed up, the emotional damage was still there, and I couldn't do more than kiss him.

I was nervous to share how I felt with him, but I was falling more and more in love with him everyday. He would come and take care of me at the drop of a hat. I broke down a couple times a week from the hormones, and memories of what I had just went through.

Juice had unofficially moved into my apartment. It was more spacious than his apartment, and a nice four poster bed, while he had a full size mattress. It just made more sense for us to stay at my place. Not to mention it was much closer to work for him. I had quit my job, because Juice and I both agreed it wasn't a good idea for me to deal with that kind of stress.

I was standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom, my shirt pulled up to reveal my slightly protruding stomach, and it still hadn't fully sunk in yet. I pulled my shirt back down, when I heard the front door open.

Juice had been out on a run since yesterday morning, and I was a little more than excited for him to be home. When I saw him, he looked exhausted, but his face lit up when I came around the corner.

I stepped into his open arms, and he pulled me in close, kissing the side of my head as he held me.

"God, I missed you." he said, and I could feel him holding on tightly.

"I missed you, too." I said, cherishing his touch.

He pulled away, and left a passionate kiss on my lips. I was so unprepared, that I was almost in a daze when he pulled away.

"What brought all this on?" I asked, putting my arms around his neck.

"We stayed up at the charter in Indian Hills, and they had this party for us. Crow eaters and hookers everywhere." He explained, and I couldn't help the jealousy that was starting to come into my mind. "They kept coming up to me, trying to touch me and take me to the back rooms, but all I wanted was to come home to you. All I could imagine was you asleep with Beau, with that cute little belly of yours. If I could have left without getting in trouble, I would have already been home."

I rubbed the back of his head, as words had escaped me.

"I love you Adelade. And I'm ready to go all in with this. I want to move in. I want to be exclusive, and I need to tell everyone who I come across about this baby." He said, and I couldn't contain the excitement that began to spread across my face.

"I love you, Juan Carlos Ortiz." I said, my smile reaching from ear to ear.

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