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Taking me to the hospital was just precautionary. The bruises on my neck would clear up, and they already took the rape kit, but they were concerned with how hard my head had hit the floor, so I was under observation.

Juice didn't leave my side, unless I made him. I didn't want him around for my statement with the police, or my rape kit. I would tell him everything all in time, but it was all still too fresh.

The doctor came in as the detectives were leaving, and I was hoping he was going to say I would just go home.

"Your neck didn't sustain any major injuries, and you're not having any symptoms of a concussion. So all we have left to do is check on the baby. We're going to have an OB nurse up here to check and make sure the baby is okay." He said, and I was confused.

"The baby?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, did you not know?" He asked.

"No." I said in shock, "I had no idea."

I never would have done any of this if I knew I was pregnant.

"She'll be up soon, and she'll be able to tell you how far along you are, and maybe even the sex of the baby." He said, before excusing himself.

Juice came in seconds later, and I wish I had time to recuperate before he came in.

"What did he say? Do you get to go home?" He asked, taking his seat back and my hand back in his.

"He said I have no symptoms of a concussion, and the bruises will heal. He just said they needed to check on one more thing." I said, my voice flat.

"That's good. That means we can get you home." He said, standing and kissing my forehead softly.

"Juice, I need you to sit down." I said, finally looking at him.

"Why," He asked, sitting down. "What's wrong?"

"He said I could go home," I started, stalling. "they just had to check on the...the baby."

I saw his face change as he took in my words.

"Baby?" He said, and it only came out as a whisper.

"I'm pregnant." I said, and broke down into tears.

"Please don't cry." He said, sitting at the edge of my bed, taking me into his arms.

"I wouldn't have done the shit I did if I knew. I'm so sorry." I sobbed into his shirt.

"Hey," he said, making me look into his eyes. "I think what you did was stupid, and irresponsible, and out of your mind crazy. But you also fought your way out of an incredibly hard situation, and I think you are amazing for that. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt our-our baby." he said, struggling to get the word out.

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