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We laid there for hours. He lightly stroked my arm as I laid my head on his chest. I know what he wanted to be, but I couldn't commit to anything. So I decided to explain why.

"Evan and I dated for six years. I met him my freshman year of college. I was really homesick, and my roommate was a huge bitch. And this guy shows up to my room looking for said bitch, and he just asked me out. I was tired of being alone so I said yes. And it was the biggest mistake I ever made.

"The first year went fine. He seemed like a really good guy. I thought I was in love. Lost my virginity to him, stayed over at his place like every day, and his entire family loved me. After our first anniversary, everything changed. At first it would be small things, like saying I shouldn't wear something, because he didn't want other guys to look at me. Like what I was wearing was too revealing. But then it started to get worse. Only letting me wear things he approved of. He told me how to do my make-up, how to wear my hair, everything. That lasted for about two years. On my 21st birthday, I went out with a few girls from my class. I didn't know he had followed me there. He was just fucking with me and he sent me a drink. Got pissed that I accepted it, because I didn't know it was from him. When I got home that night, he was waiting for me. Beat the shit out of me. I called the cops on him, but his dad just showed up instead. Convinced me not to file a police report. I stayed away from him for awhile, but he managed to work his way back into my life.

"He apologized, and swore it would never happen again. Said he was a changed man. But that only lasted about a month. He would get angry about everything. Grades, clothes HE picked out, what I made for dinner. And he would rough me up. Said he'd take care of me for good, and still get away with it because his dad was the sheriff. So I was stuck. On my 23rd birthday, he tied me down and sliced me open, just for fun. Laughed as he did it. Then stitched me up himself. Cheated on me like every single day, and wanted me to be fine with it. So when I graduated, I was done. I just left. Took my shit and left.

"So that's what I went through for six years. And honestly I'm just waiting for him to come after me. I never brought him home, but he could easily find me. So until I can make sure he's not coming for me, I can't be with anyone." I explained.

Now Juice was the only person to know everything that happened.

He didn't say anything. Instead he just pulled me close, and kissed my forehead, then turned my chin up to him, and he left the lightest kiss on my lips.

"He will never hurt you again." he said, against my lips.


I had on another one of Juice's shirt, and another one in my bag to take home. They were soft, and smelled like him.

"Are you ready?" He asked, coming into the room, smiling slightly as he looked at me. "How many shirts of mine are you going to take?"

"As many as I want." I said, stuffing another one into my bag. "What are you going to do about it?"

"I can't resist a girl who wears my clothes. Especially when it's the only thing she's wearing." He said, licking his lips.

"Well maybe one day, you might be that lucky. But I only want that girl to be me, so that's why I'm taking so many." I winked at him.

"Everyone is expecting us at the club, otherwise," He said, stepping towards me, and taking my waist in his hands, "I would lean you over this bed, and fuck you into tomorrow."

"Then we better go then." I said, rubbing my hand over the hard on that was pressing against his jeans.

"Christ girl." He said, grabbing my ass, and slipping his tongue into my mouth.

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