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Lyla and I had become fast friends, and despite me hating her co-workers, she was so different than any of them. We were currently at the park watching Piper's soccer game.

We were sitting on the sideline, and I had my new puppy, Beau, fast asleep on my lap.

"So Juice just got you a puppy?" Lyla asked, lightly petting his head.

He was the most beautiful all black pug. He knew I would get lonely at his apartment when he had to go away, so we talked about getting me a puppy, but he surprised me with it one day.

I had been staying with Juice for about two weeks now, and things were actually going really good. We would bicker every once in a while, but we were both learning how to be in an actual relationship.

"Yeah. We had talked about it, but it's was a total surprise. He made me cry." I said, laughing.

"You guys are so sweet together." she smiled at me.

Piper's team won, and we drove back to TM. We had parked in the lot, and were laughing at something that Piper said. Juice and Jax were walking out of the club, laughing at something of their own. Our eyes met, and I couldn't help but melt inside.

I was pulled from my thoughts as a car squealed into the lot. Two guys were hanging out of the windows, holding machine guns. Shots rang out, and Lyla pulled Piper behind my truck, but I was on the wrong side of the truck. They lit up my dad's truck, completely destroying it, and I could feel a bullet strike my leg.

"Adelade." I heard Juice yell, but Jax held him back, keeping him safe. I dragged my body to the safe side of my truck, my blood creating a trail from where I was.

Some guys in the back garage, connected to my office, finally found their guns, and shot at the truck as it turned around and retreated off the lot. Chibs, Opie, Jax, and Happy all rushed to their bikes, and took off after the car.

Juice sprinted over to me, tears already threatening to spill over.

"Jesus Christ, you're bleeding." he said, lifting my leg lightly to look at the bullet wound, and I flinched.

"Lyla, are you and Piper okay? Where's Beau?" I asked, knowing the condition of my truck, and I hadn't yet taken him out.

"Piper has him. We're okay." She said, coming over to me, Piper carefully holding my shaking puppy.

"We need to get you to the hospital." Juice said, and I could tell he was panicked. My leg hurt, but I knew it wasn't as bad as it looked.

"Is everyone else okay?" I asked, only seeing a couple of the guys.

"They're fine. Please let me get you to the hospital." He said, helping me up. I could feel his entire body shaking.

"Hey. I will be okay. Please calm down." I said, calmly.

Piper promised to take care of Beau while I went had got my wound taken care of. Juice took one of the work trucks and sped me towards the hospital.

A few hours and my police statement later, I got to go home. It was almost just a graze, and needed stitches and a bandage. I was limping slightly, but I could walk.

Juice was overreacting, but I know I would too if I was in his situation. He wanted to take me straight home, but Jax insisted we stop back at the club first, and I really didn't mind. I also wanted to go get Beau.

Once we got back to the club, Juice wanted to carry me in, but I had plenty of painkillers and really couldn't feel my leg, so I wouldn't let him. I could tell he upset, and I knew nothing I said could cheer him up.

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