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It had been a few weeks since I went to the first party, and I was spending more and more time at the club. It sucked when they were on runs, or busy "working", but Kip was always fun to talk to, and the booze was always free.

But I was currently spending my day off laying out at the pool in my backyard. This whole not having a career thing, and living back at home didn't always necessarily suck. Especially since my mom's pool was amazing.

I was trying to get a nice golden color on my otherwise pale skin. My cell phone rang on the table next to me, but the last thing I wanted to do was answer it.

"You know we know where you at because of your shitty truck, right?" Jax said, coming through the back door with Ope and a few other guys from the club, including Juice.

"Can't a girl just spend some time alone?" I whined, taking the beer that Opie was handing over to me.

"No. And that's why you moved back home." Jax said, taking off his shirt, and taking the seat next to me.

"You suck." I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"Come on. Let us hang out with you. Then you can come party with us tonight." Opie said, trying to convince me.

"I have to work tomorrow." I laughed.

"So? We have to work everyday and we party every night." Kip chimed in.

"Well I have to wait tables for assholes like you guys tomorrow, and I can't be hung over for that." I laughed, taking a chug of my beer.

"Just quit. And hang out with us permanently. We'll take care of you." Jax said, smiling at me.

"I went to school for 6 years, have a double major, 4.0, and graduated Summa Cum Laude, and have to work in a diner. I think I am settling enough, thank you." I said, finishing the rest of my beer.

"Do you want another beer?" Juice asked me.

"I would love one." I said, smiling at him. I admired his body as he walked back into my house.

"Whoa, checking out Juicey, are ya?" Jax asked from beside me.

"Why, are you jealous." I said, smirking at him.

"Are you getting sassy with me." He said, getting up, and standing over my chair.

"So what Teller?" I said back. He picked me up quickly, threw everything out of his pockets, and jumped in the pool with me in his arms.

"You son of a bitch." I said, once we surfaced.

"Teach you to get an attitude with me." Jax said, holding me in his arms.

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