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I stopped back home to make sure we didn't get there at the same time, and to actually put on some underwear. I double checked my hair to make sure I didn't have sex hair, and made my way over to the club.

I had only heard about coming home parties, but seeing them in action was crazy. There wasn't enough room in the clubhouse to fit everyone in, so it had spilled into the parking lot.

Jax was outside, surrounded by some Cara Cara girls, all inching towards his dick, but he threw them off when he saw me walk up.

"Adi, get the fuck over here and say hi to me." He said opening his arms for me.

I could tell he was drunk, but I was extremely relieved to see that he got out unscathed.

I wasn't naive to the fact that they had all spent time in jail or prison. They had a whole wall of mugshots. But I was concerned regardless.

He held me tightly, and kissed the side of my head, and I felt all the stress that I had built up the week and a half they had been in jail, leave my body.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I said, into his sweatshirt.

"No need to worry darlin'." He said, pulling away, and surprising me, by gently placing his lips on mine, and gently stroking my tongue with his. I would be lying if I said I didn't kiss him back.

"Alright there Jax." I said, gently pushing him away, "I think those girls want to hear more stories about things."

He took my not so subtle advice, and stumbled back over to the girls. The last thing I needed was Juice to see me making out with Jax, just a couple hours after we had sex.

I continued walking inside, excited to see everyone else who just got out. I greeted Happy when I walked in, and ran into Chibs at the bar.

"Adelade! We're out of the slammer." He said, and I couldn't help but laugh. It was like his accent had gotten thicker since he went in.

"Thank goodness, I was really missing your crazy accent." I said, smiling up at him.

"Did ya say hi to Juicey yet? He's got quite the shiner. Juicey boy, where are ya?" Chibs yelled, perching himself up on the bar to try and find him.

After a minute or so, Juice finally managed to make it over to where we were standing at the bar.

"Juicey, show her your shiner." Chibs said, not lowering his voice despite being so close to us.

He turned and gave me a better glimpse, to appease Chibs, and I ran my finger over it, once more.

"Poor thing." I said, and I took a bold chance.

I leaned up, and kissed by his eye where the darkest part of his bruise was.

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