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The smell was awful, and the air felt wet. I had no idea where I was, but my arms were numb. My wrists were tied above my head, and I felt a gag in my mouth. I tried to scream, but nothing came out.

"Good morning princess." A guy said, and I opened my eyes to see what asshole did this to me.

But they were smart enough to wear masks.

"This is the hottest girl I've ever seen come out of their club." Another one said,

"Are you sure I can't have her."

"No. We need her whole." The first one said.

My eyes felt heavy, and I was exhausted, but I didn't trust what they would do to me. Not that I could stop it, but I wanted to make sure I knew everything they did to me.

I could only tell what the time was on how much light was in the room. If I was right, the garage was closing up. Did they notice that I wasn't home, and that I didn't go to work? Or did they make demands.

"Are you ready to send another picture?" a third guy said from behind me.

"No one has left their club yet, so I don't know how serious they're taking it." One said.

"Well maybe we should make them take it serious."

The one behind me, came up and pressed his body against mine. He smelled like weed and BO and I wanted to puke. He pushed a knife against my throat, and tears sprung to my eyes. Fear didn't begin to describe what I felt. His hand slid down the front of my shorts, and I squirmed, but that made him hold on tighter.

"That will work." And they all laughed.

It was getting dark out, and they would be hanging out having casual beers after a day of riding and work. Everything in me wanted to sleep, but the adrenaline kept me up. I needed to stay alert, and try and remember everything in case I escaped. Which I didn't see happening.

There was always someone watching me, gun fixed on me. It seemed like they switched guards every hour.

I fell asleep in the middle of the night, and woke up when the sun was rising.

My eyes adjusted to the light, and nothing had changed, except whoever was supposed to be watching me had fallen asleep. I squirmed, and tried moving my hands around to loosen the tie, but it just dug into my wrists more. I moved more frantically, and felt my wrists moving more.

I stopped trying when I heard something behind me. I started shaking in fear that one of them had caught me trying to escape. My eyes started watering again, and my heart almost stopped as I felt someone grab me.

I heard a knife sawing away at the rope that was keeping my arms up. When the rope was cut, my arms dropped, and so did my body.

But someone caught me before I hit the ground.

"Get her out of here." Jax whispered.

Kip carried me out of the warehouse, and I laid my head against his chest. He went out a side door, and Juice was outside pacing by the bikes. His hands resting on his head. He ran over as soon as he saw me.

Kip carefully put me into his arms, and he ran back inside.

"Oh my god, baby." He said, his eye brimming with tears.

He grabbed his knife and cut the rope off of my wrists. He untied the gag that was tied tightly around my head, and held me carefully.

The world spun around me, and then it all turned black.


"I took off the ropes and the gag, and she passed out." Juice said, his voice right above me.

"We have to get her awake. We need to get out of here." Jax said, his voice stern.

"Baby, come on." Juice said, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "Wake up, please."

I tried as hard as I could to open my eyes, and they opened just a tiny bit.

"Listen, Adi," Jax said, brushing some hair behind my ear, "we need to get you out of here. The rest of their guys are probably on their way, and we have to get you back to the club."

All I could do is nod.

Juice helped me stand on my feet, and I leaned into him for support. He took off his hoodie, and carefully zipped me into it. Jax strapped a helmet on me, and stuck me on the back of Juice's bike. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and he took off.

I didn't care that we were going way faster than I ever wanted to go on a bike. I didn't care that we were very obviously being chased. I really just didn't care about anything. As gun shots started ringing out, we went faster. My arms, as sore and tired as they were, clutched him even harder.

He took one of my hands, and brought it up to his mouth, and left a quick kiss on the back of it.

All the shit that had happened in the last few months didn't matter anymore. All the drama was gone. And we were just a family trying to protect each other.

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