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Jax had called in a favor to a doctor he knew, and he took care of my hand. He put a new cast on it, and instructed me to come in and see him when I could to make sure I didn't need surgery on it.

Juice wasn't back yet, and every minute that ticked by felt like hours. I knew he was okay, just a little beat up, but I wanted him with me. I felt like the majority of our relationship had been spent apart.

I sat on the bed in the dorm I was staying in, and Beau was asleep at the foot of the bed, nestled into Juice's hoodie. My legs were pulled into my chest, my head laid on my knees, and my broken hand was resting on the bed.

I thought of what we were doing before we were interrupted, and I sighed heavily. I didn't care if I was stuck anywhere, as long as I could be with him. I decided to go have a cigarette. It seemed that the bad habit had come back with all the stress in my life. But at the moment I couldn't have cared less.

This time when I walked out, everyone was asleep. Clay and Gemma were gone, Opie and Lyla were asleep together in a chair, Jax was fast asleep on the bar.

I tried to make as little noise as possibly as I went out.

Chibs was sitting on the picnic table, and I took a spot next to him. I stole a cigarette out of his pack, and he lit mine up.

"How's the hand?" He asked, and I looked at the plaster cast now adorning my right hand.

"Pretty broken." I said quietly.

"You love him don't you?" He asked, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"I do." I said nodding, and taking a drag from mine.

"He talks about you a lot you know? Not in front of just anyone, but he'll always fine a way to mention you, or something you said or did for him. I can tell he gets a little embarrassed, but he can't help himself."

A small smile came across my lips, and I looked up to Chibs.

"I know this is a hard life." He continued. "But for two kids who are so in love, I think you can do it. I see the way you look at each other, and anyone would kill for that kind of thing. Just don't let all this negative shit get to you."


I managed to get a few hours of extremely restless sleep, but when I woke up there still no word. I checked my phone and there was still nothing from Juice. I went out, and the club had filled up with more people since last night.

"Anything?" I asked, as I walked into Jax's open arms.

"Not for awhile. Still haven't heard from Tig or Hap." Jax said, knowing that I wouldn't like what I was hearing.

"Why can't I just go there?" I asked, pulling away slowly. My body was completely exhausted.

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