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As the days went on, everything in my life had gotten easier. I got a job at a bank in town as a manager, and I was making more than I did at TM. My apartment had started to actually feel like home, and not seeing Juice everyday, helped me not have to deal with the drama of the club.

Jax and Ope came around every once in a while to keep me company, but everyone pretty much kept their distance. I was more or less out of the club, and everything to do with it, and as much as I hated it, I loved the comfort of knowing that all the people I cared about were safe.

My hand was healed, and I was starting to plan out how I was going to take care of Evan once and for all.

I started running and working out to get my muscle strength back up. I had convinced Bobby to teach me to shoot, to keep me safe. It was all coming together.

I kissed Beau as I walked over, and put him into his cage. I checked myself in the mirror before I left.

My freshly dyed burgundy hair, was styled into loose curls that hit just past my shoulders. The light eye makeup that adorned my eyes made them pop. I looked healthy and professional, but happy hadn't graced my features in a month.

I missed the days where I could smile without worry, and despite all the drama, those times were only with the club. And Juice.

I drove the short distance to my work, and opened the the building. We were short staffed today, but Tuesday's generally weren't that busy. Small town on a day that wasn't payday or the first of the month didn't draw in much foot traffic.

I sat at my desk in my office, just off the teller stations, and stared off into space. The front door being kicked in knocked me out of my thoughts. I grabbed the gun I kept in my desk, and hid behind my desk.

"Touch that button, and I'll blow your fucking head off." One of the masked man, said, shoving his gun in the face of our elderly teller, Nancy.

She put her hands over her head, and began to cry.

One of them jumped over the counter, handing over his gun so he could fill the bags. I knew the only way that I could take care of this without hurting any of my employees, was to take out the gunman.

I took a deep breath, and stood up. I took a shot at his dick, and dropped back down behind my desk as it hit him. He yelled out in pain, and carelessly shot above my desk. He ran out of bullets, and I stood back up, and shot one into his shoulder.

The other guy was unarmed, so he took the cash he had in the bag, and jumped back over the counter, and booked it towards the door. I shot at him, and it he dropped as it hit his calf.

I ran over, and kicked the guns away, and fixed my gun on the gunman's forehead. I picked up one of his gun's and fixed it on the guy holding the bag of money by my front door.

"Nancy, call the police. Tell them to hurry, and let them know they'll need an ambulance." I yelled over to her.

"You fucking bitch." He spat at me, but I put my stiletto over his bullet wound, and pushed down, and he writhed in pain.

"Be respectful. If I killed you, it would be no sweat off my back." I said, leaving my foot to make sure he didn't try me any more.

When the police showed up, they arrested the guys, and began taking my statement.

They said I was a hero, but all I knew was I felt ready to take on Evan.

I had to stay on the scene, talked to corporate, and make sure all the money was there.

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