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"Juice? Really?" Opie asked for probably the millionth time. Then he would chuckle about it for awhile, and ask again.

I gave him a look again, but he only laughed harder.

I was really regretting going with him. I should have had Kip bring me.

After I punched Jax, and fucked up my hand, Jax insisted he take me to the ER for my hand, but I told him to fuck off. I refused to let anyone take me, and insisted on taking myself, but finally Opie convinced me to let him.

And I really regretted that.

I was having stitches put on the deep cut, and a small cast for my hand, which had random breaks in it.

"You could have picked anyone, including me and Jax, but Juice?" 

"Yes. Juice. Can we please let it go? Because Jax did what he did, and now Juice probably won't speak to me again." I said, my blood boiling.

"Yes he will." Opie sighed, letting the joke go because he knew I was angry. "You just have to give him time. When he gets mad, he goes joy riding, and then he'll show up a few days later good as gold."

"What if I don't want to wait a few days." I said, deciding that now was not the time to cry.


So far Opie was wrong. It had been a week, and I hadn't heard anything from him. No one was worried but me. They all acted like it was normal. Everyone said that this wasn't even the longest he had been gone.

But it was all new to me. I was scared. I knew he had to come back, but what was he doing while he was gone?

I didn't hang around the club very much, because I didn't even know what to do when he came back. How long could I do this for? Having him coming and going whenever he pleased. What if we were together? Would he pull the same shit?

I really didn't want to admit it, but I needed him.

"Me and the guys are heading out to grab a bite to eat, did you want to come with?" Kip asked, as I was closing up the office.

"I'm really not in the mood." I said, quietly.

"Come on, you're getting too skinny. That shit's not healthy." he said, shaking his head.

"I just-" I started, but he cut me off.

"Listen," He said, putting his arm around my shoulder. "I know you're sad, and pissed off at the world, but hiding away from the world isn't going to prove anything. I know you're strong as shit. You broke your hand on Jax's face. So come have dinner. Please?"

I thought about it for a second, and he was right.

"Fine. But I'm riding with you." I said, following him over to his bike.

We rode the short distance to the place we were eating, and Jax ordered shots for the whole table.

He stood up, and raised his shot.

"Here's to only girl that can punch me in the face, and I can still say that I love." Jax said, his cut lip sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Here, here." The table chorused.

I rolled my eyes, and threw back the shot.

And then I threw back about 10 more, and once again I was drunk. I drank more since coming back home, than I did the whole my entire college experience.

But I didn't care. It helped me not care. About anything.

"Who's going to get her home?" I heard them saying, but I didn't care what they did to me, or with me.

"She can always stay at the dorm." Someone suggested.

"Who's going to watch her?"

But I didn't hear the answer.

Soon after that, we headed out. I started walking towards Kip's bike, but a familiar arm pulled me in.

"You're riding with me darlin'." Jax said, with a smile.

"Fine, but only because I'm too drunk to know better." I said, smiling back.


My whole body shivered, and I pulled another blanket up over me.

"Dude, what the hell? I said no more blankets." Ope said, putting my tray of soup, and medicine on the other side of my bed.

"But I'm freezing." I said, my teeth chattering.

"No, you're gonna make your fever get worse. One blanket." He said, pulling the blankets off the bed, and putting them in the closet. "There, now you can't get them."

"How am I the only one with the flu?" I said, trying to get enough warmth from the one blanket I was allowed to have.

"Probably because your immune system is shot, because you're stressed, depressed, and you don't eat." He said, sitting on the other side of my bed.

"Shut up. Who asked you anyways." I said, not having the energy to turn and face him. Or argue. Or do anything.

I attempted to eat a little bit of soup, but ran out of energy, and had to take a nap. I could tell my fever was bad, because I dreamt that Juice was there.


It took two full days for me to feel better, but when I was finally completely better, I decided to crash the party. It was Friday night, and it was also a Cara Cara release party. I didn't want to be around those girls, but I really missed everyone.

It was starting to get pathetic how much I missed them when I couldn't see them every day.

When I pulled up to the party, most of the guys' bikes were gone, and I really didn't recognize anyone.

I walked into the club, and still couldn't find anyone.

"Kip, where is everyone?" I asked, as I got to the bar.

"Adi! What are you doing here?" He said, his voice sounding nervous.

"I heard about the party, and I finally started to feel better." I said, confused.

I was told I had a permanent invitation to every party. I was family.

"You can't be here." He said, and it hurt.

But the reason why hurt more.

I followed his eyes over to the pool table.

There was Juice. And two girls from Cara Cara. They were sharing a three way kiss. How fucking sweet.

I ran out before he could see me, and got in my truck. And of course it wouldn't start. I slammed my door shut, and started the walk home. I needed the air anyways. Tears fell down my face as I cursed myself for being so stupid. He didn't want the drama, he told me he didn't. The whole thing with Jax must have put him over the edge. I was extremely embarrassed because I felt so stupid.

I was walking past the ally when they grabbed me, and after a few seconds I was out.

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