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I knocked on his door, and waited for him to answer. I had watched him bring home a girl, and I knew he always kicked him them out once he was done. And if I knew anything about Evan it was he was a man of habit.

He woke up every day at 9:30 to do his morning workouts, and he should just be getting out of the shower. I knew I had at least a four hour head start on the guys, and I needed to take care of everything before they got here.

He opened the door, and a look of confusion was soon excitement as he opened the door more, to let me in.

"And what do I owe this pleasure?" He said with a smile, sitting down on his couch. I joined him, sitting across from him on one of the chairs.

"Well, I was getting lonely and bored in Charming. Someone kind of forced my hand." I said, smiling at him.

"What can I say? I wanted to be your one and only." He said, and I let out a small laugh.

"Oh really? I couldn't tell." I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"I missed you." He said, his voice turning more serious. "You know I love you."

"I know." I said, shyly.

"Come here." He said, laying back on his couch, and I walked over, and straddled him. "Did you miss your daddy?"

I hated that nickname he insisted on calling himself.

I nodded, as I leaned down and connected our lips, distracting him just long enough to grab the gun out of the waist of my pants, and put it against his temple.

"What is this?" he asked, putting his hands up, an amused smile on his lips.

I leaned over, and struck him across the face with my gun.

"What the fuck bitch."He said, standing up, and I put one in the chamber.

"Sit the fuck down." I said, pushing the gun against his forehead.

He sat down, and I could see the rage on his face.

"Are you really going to kill me?" he said, laughing, blood dripping down an open wound on his forehead.

"If I have to." I said, sitting on the table across from him.

I needed to calm my nerves, which were running with everything I had just done. I took some deep breaths, and calmed down.

"I was just trying to protect you." He said, and I scoffed. "Honestly."

"That's rich, coming from you." I spat at him.

"I'm serious. I looked you up once you left, and sent one of my buddies to check you out. Saw you hanging around the club. With everything you worked for in college, all they were going to do was hurt your chances of getting your dream job." He explained.

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