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Instead of him taking me home, we both decided it would be in our best interest to not push things further, because there was no way that Bobby wasn't going to find out about the kiss. We needed to gauge everyone's reaction before we just jumped in. But I was almost ready to jump in with him.

When my alarm clock went off the next morning, I groaned, and rolled back over. It seemed so unfair to have to work after a night of partying, but I had to open. I still hadn't seem to master the whole drink any day of the week thing, and be functional after. I took a long cold shower to wake me up, and scrunched my hair with some gel, and threw it up in a ponytail to keep it simple. I put on some cut up jean shorts, Juice's black shirt that I stole, and one of Opie's flannel shirts from high school I had stashed in the back of closet. I laced up my combat boots, and looked in the mirror. It was a very different look from the dress I wore last night.

I made a cup of coffee to go, and headed off to work.

I was nervous to say the least. Bobby wouldn't be at the shop until later, meaning it was going to be awhile until shit hit the fan. I was just waiting.

I went and opened the garage, and tried to catch up on as much work in the garage that I could, so I could just hide out in the office the rest of the day.

I was walking back up to the office, and a couple of the guys started to get there. Including Bobby...and Tig.

They both said hi, but I hurried up into the office.

"Holy shit Bobby, did you hear what Juice did last night?" Tig said, and I went and slammed the door shut in the office.

I sat down at the desk and put my head in my hands and just waited.

He came in, closed the door, and sat down across from me.

This couldn't be good.

"Would you like to explain, or should I just go on?" He asked quietly.

"Juice took a body shot off of me. Then we kissed. And I think I actually really like him." I said, voice trembling.

"You like him because he took a body shot off of you?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

"No. It's kind of a long story that I really don't want to get into, but we're just friends for now, but I like him." I said, looking up at him.

"Juice is stupid. He doesn't think things through. Which is partially why I'm in here talking about this after something stupid he did." Bobby said, shaking his head.

"Look, I don't want to cause problems, but I'm not going to keep myself from being with someone, if it may come to that, just because of the club. You and my mom are doing fine. I've heard you treat her amazing, and I really do appreciate that. And I believe that Juice could be the same to me." I explained.

"If you want to try, go for it, but expect some shit from the club. Especially Jax." He said, getting up.

"Thanks Bobby." I said.

"No problem kid. Just stay safe okay? I don't want to have to go beating anyone's ass for you." He said, shaking his head.

He walked out, and closed the door. I exhaled all of the stress I had built up.

I drank several cups of coffee to wake myself up more, but it didn't help my nerves. I didn't even think about what Jax would say about it.

I didn't think he'd be the problem.

But his history with me should have made me realize that he would be stupid jealous and stupid protective.

I went to take a drink of my coffee, but my hand shook and the mug slipped out of my hand and onto the keyboard.

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