1. The storm

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(Welcome to the story! This is just a little edit from future me to new readers,atm I am going over chapters and re-doing them,so I apologize if some of them are a bit confusing! It's simply because I'm editing! But asides that,please enjoy the story!)

Thunder boomed over head as you walked
threw the dark woods,you'd been walking for miles,you didn't know how many days you'd been lost,but it seemed to be going on forever

mud covering your boots and up to your knees practically,scratches covered your legs and arms,along with a giant gasp up your leg you'd gotten from some kind of monster, making it hard to walk,your body ached,and you could hardly keep your eyes open

Squelch squelch squelch squelch

Your boots made a sickening wet noises as they trudged threw the muddy ground,your socks soaked threw,making your feet feel cold

Your dress was basically ruined,it had once been a elegant fall dress,a sage green color with gold swirls at the bottom,and it was incredibly comfortable.But since you'd been walking for days,maybe weeks,it was ruined,the bottom was torn and covered in mud,the back had multiple gashes from Monsters you'd run into,and escaped obviously

"God when will this rain end...it would be a little more durable if it would just stop storming..."

Your eyes stung with tears,blurring your vision,making it hard for you to see where you were going

Lighting strikes above you making you jump,the light blinding you for a moment,making you fall on your face,soaking you further in mud



More lightning and thunder boomed above your head,and for a moment,a large estate was revealed

A large castle it seemed "this is probably a bad idea...but it's better then staying out here" you sigh

You stumbled up,pulling your self from the mud,the stinging in your leg almost unbearable,but you pushed on,running to the estate

You ran for about a mile straight,never stopping,your need to get out of the storm overpowering your desire to stop and the pain in your legs,your heart pounding in your chest,your throat stinging from the cold air in your lungs and how fast you were breathing "Yes I'm so close! Just a little farther Y/N! You can do it!" You cry to your self eventually falling at the steps to the gate,your hands resting on the cobblestone and your knees scraped and bloody from the fall,but you didn't care,you were so close to being out of this sickening rain,so close to having shelter once more

You took gasps of breathe collecting your self,you were aware of how filthy you were,so you'd apologize to the owner of the castle for your appearance,if they let you in that is.But no one could be so cold hearted they wouldn't let someone hide  from a storm right? So you pushed your worries away,and stood,staring up at the door

Knock knock knock

You knocked three times on the large door,admiring how elegant the estate was,it was even bigger then your old one!

You could hear the sounds of heavy steps coming near the door,your heart pounding for some reason,you were nervous you'd be denied and pushed away

But soon enough the door slowly opened,and you looked up at the figure who opened the door with a slight gasp

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