26. Taken

398 27 13

(You begged. You cried. So here it is 😌)

(All 658 words)


Alcina gasped quietly, and you glanced up at her nervously

"Did I stutter, Alcina? I said give her to me. Obviously you cannot handle your duties with this distraction here. Involving your business and the ritual. So obviously you need to be punished... reminded that I will not handle your little antics. So, give me the girl"

Alcina squeezed your shoulder tightly, her nails digging into your skin through the fabric "Mother Miranda I... I'm sure I shouldn't... I could... I'll be better!" She said frantically

You felt your heart pounding

Why would she even want me?

Why can't she leave Alcina alone?


You looked over at her daughters, they didn't care much about you... but seeing their mother upset made them anxious... Cassandra glanced at you, but you couldn't read her expression

Mother Miranda rolled her eyes "Alcina I'm not going to put up with this today, give me the girl. I suggest you comply, or this will go even worse for her" she said and stared you down with those cold eyes 

Alcina pulled you against her hip, and she sighed softly... not wanting to give you away but needing to protect you. "Fine. May I at least have a moment alone with her to help her pack?"

She shook her head "She won't be needing a bag. But I'll allow you a moment with her. I will be waiting outside in the carriage" she said and turned to walk out the door

Alcina grabbed your wrists and pulled you into the parlor, her daughters knowing not to follow

Once alone she leaned down and pulled you into a tight hug, her nails digging into your back as she pressed her forehead to yours "My darling... I'm so sorry..." she whispered to you

"Alcina-" you say quietly, still to confused to be upset or not "It's okay... it's okay... it will be fine..." you tried to assure her, you'd never seen her so frantic.

Wont it?

She sighed, and you saw how her shoulders shook and she tried not to cry, she'd never admit that she was weak enough to cry... ever. Not even to you.

She squeezed you and leaned back, grasping your chin and pulling you into a deep kiss... it wasn't lusty like normal, but desperate and loving "oh my little moth..." she whispered, some sort of dread hidden behind her words, her hand coming to cup the side of your face, her thumb rubbing your cheek soothingly

"I... am sorry" she murmured

"For what?"

"For... bringing you into this. I should have never..." she choked on her breath "I should have known better... then to indulge in you..." she whispered, kissing at your cheeks desperately

Your heart broke, and the sudden reality of the situation came down on her "N- no... no... don't speak like that..." you whispered "It's going to be fine... I'm sure I'll be back with you in no time..." you give her a reassuring smile, and you see a flash of remorse cross her face

She sighed "I'm sure your right..." she said, though you could tell she doubted her own words.

She kissed you one last time, before she stood up straight, he'd hand holding your shoulder and giving it a little squeeze as she walked you out of the parlor, and out the doors into the cold.

Every step you took became more and more shaky, and you couldn't help but feel dread wash over you as the black carriage came into view. It was large and made of metal, with thick spikes at the top with crows perched on them that screeched at you.

Mother Miranda waited inside it impatiently, keeping her eyes straight ahead as she waited, opening the door for you

Alcina leaned down "I'll find you soon..." she murmured, her lips ghosting your ear as she let you go.

(More coming soon)

Shelter (Lady DimitrescuXfem reader)Where stories live. Discover now