19. Love and Violets

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(I was reading over Chapter 18 and realized how stupid it was lmao,It was like 1am when I was writing it and now it's to late to take it back,so I'll try and make it up with this chapter,it might be a bit slow,it will be cuddles,then violence 👍)

The rest of the morning,you stayed in her arms,ignoring the fact you had drawn a bath for her,as it was most likely cold by now. Lady Dimitrescu hadn't bothered getting dressed either,and she didn't want to,as she'd rather sit with you in her arms,even though she was only in her nightgown

You sat in her lap still,her eyes were closed,one of her hands on your waist and the other on your head,playing with your hair,neither of you had spoken for the past few minutes,enjoying the peaceful moment

It was confusing...how easy it had seemed for both of you to confess feelings,you of course had gotten feelings for her almost the moment you'd began working for her,and you wondered if it had been the same for her

You were wondered What would change now,Or would it stay the same? Would you get new work? Or would you not have to work at all? Of course your questions would be answered at some point,but for now you just wanted to relax with her

Her hand on your waist slid up and down giving you a little squeeze,and she opened her eyes,looking down at you and chuckling a little

You look up at her,tilting your head "what's so funny?" You ask,and she just shakes her head

"Oh nothing,your just adorable" she hummed,and your cheeks flush a light pink

"I..I am not!" You giggle a little,and a playful glint flashes in her eyes

"Hmm...well I think you are my darling little duchess~" she cooed,lifting your chin with her thumb

"Name one thing about me that's the adorable" you huff,part of you just wanting to hear her say sweet things

"Well for one" she kissed your forehead "when you blush from my kisses,it's adorable"

You blushed,proving her point,and she chuckled "secondly,the way you run to me when I call for you is adorable"

"I-" you start,your cheeks beginning to burn

"I'm not done" she interrupts with a little smirk,pulling you closer so you were squished against her chest

"Those lovely little noises you make when I hold you like this are adorable" she paused,and leaned down to your ear "especially the ones you made when we were in the bath together~"

You turn red,and with her feeling like she'd given you enough teasing she let go,and you sit back "f..fine ok you win..." you mumble

"I always do darling" she chuckled a bit,looking at the clock on her wall "hm....I'm afraid we do need to get up now dear..."

You sigh,not wanting to get up,her arms and the bed to enticing to ignore.
why couldn't you just stay with her? Like this? You didn't even really have work to do...and you were sure she really didn't..

"Whyyy....." you groan,and she laughed a bit,stroking your hair

"Becaaaaause we have things to do darling...." She smirked a little "if I knew you'd be this needy for me to hold you I'd do it more often~" she cooed

You blushed a bit "I...I am not! Your just comfortable...and I don't want to get up..." you huff,and she just laughs more,wiping the corner of her eye

"Will you want to get up if I give you the offer to dress me~?" She spoke in a playful tone,smirking a little

You sit up and stare at her,sitting on her thigh now,your face burning a bit,yes you'd seen her "exposed" before,but every time still made your heart flutter,or even just the option to see her like that made you feel nervous

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