4. Wounds

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You slowly opened the door to her bedroom,the candles had all been blown out,except for one on her vanity,leaning the bedroom in a dim warm light

You glance over to her bed,a sigh of relief coming over you as you see she's still asleep,before you realize you have to wait her up your self

But you walk over to her bedside,and you couldn't help but glance over her,even in sleep she was gorgeous,peaceful

Your cheeks flushed a light red noticing her breasts were slightly uncovered

stop it..

You let out a soft breath,letting your shoulders relax "Good morning My lady"

She didn't open her eyes,but she stirred softly,pulling the blankets higher up her shoulders,her breathing subtle,and calm

"My lady,it's time to wake up" you say again,your tone gentle,and calm,you always figured waking up more gently was better then being screamed at,you'd learned that from experience

you gulp when she doesn't move again,so you take a breath and reach out,gently touching her shoulder,you figured she'd be upset if you didn't wake her up,and maybe she'd even keel you a second day...which you didn't necessarily feel great about. You blush as you feel her soft,pale skin "m..my lady" you say again

Her golden eyes snapped open when she was touched,and she smiled,looking up at you,a little laugh being heard as she noticed your red cheeks,

"Good morning Y/N" she yawned,sitting up and wiping the sleep from her eyes,arching her back in a stretch,out of politeness you keep your gaze on the floor

"I uhm...I was wondering what my first job was going to be today? You didn't really explain last night..." she nods,closing her eyes for a moment before looking back to her

"Well,I suppose the first thing you should do is feed me" she hummed,and you nod

"Oh ok! What would you like?" You pause "and where is the kitchen? I don't exactly know where to go.."

She smirked,and you were filled with a small twinge of fear "did I say anything about the kitchen? I said you should feed me~" before you could even respond,you felt your self being lifted onto her lap,her hands holding your waist tightly to keep you in place

Oh my god'

"What are you doing!" You squirm a little,her nails digging into your sides making you stop,a soft pained whimper escaping you

"Shhh~ relax dear~ it won't hurt...much~" she took her free hand,grabbing your hair and tilting your head back,exposing your neck to her,your heart pounding to the point you thought it could beat its self out of your chest as she got closer

She leaned down,her nose against the crook of your neck,and she growled against your skin,taking in a deep breath threw her nose "You smell delicious.." her hand gave your sides a squeeze making you whine,the blush returning to your cheeks "your hearts beating so fast~ your fear only makes this so much more fun~"

You whimper softly,feeling like a trapped mouse,unable to pull away from her,and able to figure out what it was she wanted

Your blood

Your heart kept pounding as you waited for the feeling of what you assumed was in her mouth,fangs,to greet your skin,but the pain never came,instead,her voice did

"What's this?" She asked,and you opened your eyes to look at her. Her gaze was off your neck and on your leg,she'd lifted your dress a bit,looking at the giant wound that snaked up from your knee to your upper thigh,her grip on you loosening,and the one on the back of your head falling and holding your side,in a much more gentle way

Shelter (Lady DimitrescuXfem reader)Where stories live. Discover now