12. Protection

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(This chapter might be a little boring,but I just wanted to have them spend more time together and have it be all cute,I promise some spice soon)

The next morning,you wake with a little jolt,your eyes opening and adjusting to the morning light that shines threw your window

"Ah Y/N your awake" hummed the soft voice of your lady,who sat next to you in a wooden Chair next to your bed

You sat up with a yawn,rubbing the sleep from your eyes "m..mm...what time is it..." you groan,to tired to remember to call her 'my lady' but surprisingly she let it slide,and looked at you with a soft smile

"Hm? Oh its eight-o'clock dear"

"Crap! I'm late for work I'm sorry for sleeping my lady I-" you were about to jump from bed and get ready,that was an hour over when you were supposed to be up! 'Oh god maybe why she was waiting was so she could punish you!' You think frantically,before you feel her two strong hands grab your shoulders making you freeze as you look at her

"Dear,calm down,your not in trouble for sleeping,you had a tough night,so I let you rest" she hummed and let you go when she felt you relax

"O..oh! Thank you my lady...your kindness is appreciated...as always..." you say shyly and she chuckled,patting your head,before leaning back in the chair and looking at you

"Now,onto business" she looked at you,her golden eyes shining with curiosity

"W..what business?" You ask,tilting your head and staring at her,your heart rate getting a little faster as you began to worry  'I swear if she tries to do flirty vampire shit...'

"Nothing bad little one,don't worry,I'm just...curious...about you,about your past,and about that dream you had" she stretched a little,arching her back with a soft groan "do you mind if I move to the bed dear? This chair is a bit...small for me"

You nod and move so she has room,sitting with your knees to your chest "yes of course" you smile "so..what were your questions exactly?" You ask as she sits on your bed,making it creak under her large body

"Well...first off,tell me exactly,how did you end up in the woods? You have been hiding that little bit from me" she looked at you,speaking in a calm and curious tone

"Ah...right..." you rub the back of your head,looking into her "well...I honestly don't know why it happened,but,one day,I was walking down my halls like I usually do...and suddenly the guards came,and dragged me off to my meeting room,where Yara-"

"Who's Yara?" She interrupted

"Oh! She was another duchess,but she had a higher position then I did,and she didn't like me very much..."

She nods her head and waves her hand as a way of saying continue

"Right well anyways,I'm dragged into the room just to be told that I have..failed? I didn't really understand what that meant, I always did my duties,I was born into my role and I thought I did it quite well" you sigh "I tried to ask what I did wrong and she just dismissed me,and rallied all the guards up and took me outside,she told me that I was to be banished,and to live forever in the woods like the rat I was"

Your eyes fill with sadness for a moment,flashes of your memories and the dream coming back to your mind,before your snapped out of it by Lady Dimitrescus gloved hand on you

"Go on dear" she said in a soothing tone and you nod,shivering as you feel her hand rub your back

"Right...anyways,she stripped me of my jewelry,even a necklace my mother had given me...before she threw me into the woods,I suppose she expected me to die....but I obviously didn't,I almost did a few times though...I came across some weird monsters in the woods..."

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