27. The Drive

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(Sorry this is super short, figured I should give you somthing lol. Trust me I'm working on it)

The carriage ride was long. Far too long. And bumpy, the silence only interrupted by the soft thump thump thump of stones or branches under the wheels, or the sound of your head bumping against the frame of the carriage door

Your heart hurt. The look Alcina gave you as you were taken from her made your whole world collapse... you wanted her, you needed her, and you knew she needed you just as much.

"Don't look so frightened"

Mother Miranda's voice cut threw the silence, your gaze snapping up to meet hers through her golden mask. You knew you shouldn't speak to her... and you didn't want to, you hated her. How dare she take you from Alcina

"I'm not scared" you stated in a cool tone

She laughed, a smooth and silky sound that was enough to make your face go pale "Mhm, if you say so" she glanced out the window, staying silent again as the sound of the carriage jostling echoed throughout the empty and decayed woods, watching as Lycans or other dark creatures skittered through the forest

"Why did you even want to take me" you murmured, and Miranda raised a brow

"Because I can" she stated, crossing her legs as the crumbling church came in to view "Your a distraction. Alcina has never acted out towards me, at least not since you've came. Your certainly a interesting little creature... so I plan to study you" she smirked


"Yes, study. You'll be my little experiment~ till I decide Alcina deserves to have her little pet back" she sneered, and the carriage came to a stop

Is that what you were seen as by the lords? Alcina's newest little pet? The thought alone made your anger bubble, how dare they? How dare Miranda.

Mother Miranda opened the door "out" she ordered, taking elegant strides towards the crumbling church, crows gliding overhead and screeching

It was cold, you could see your breath and your fingers were turning pink from only seconds of being out. Miranda took notice of your shivering and rolled her eyes "Hurry up"


The church was... eerie. Much more so now that is was practically empty. Mother Miranda had all but dragged you down the stairs and into some sort of cellar, that was surprisingly clean.

She took you into a stone room, filled with bookshelves and a desk with random viles of who knows what. In the middle was a metal table, with... cuffs at the bottom and top.

"You'll be spending most of your time in here" she smirked and you shuttered

"Uhm... and where will I sleep?"

"Oh, I'll take care of that. Don't worry" and before you could ask any questions or even move, you felt a sudden sharp pang on the back of your head... and your vision blurred as you watched the floor suddenly come crashing up against your face, and then it went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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