8. Blood

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As you walked threw the halls,staying silent as a trail of blood was left with your steps,which of course could have led the sisters to you,and the bloody smell that clung to your body,along with,well,the blood

And my god it was disgusting, the blood had started to dry and clot,sticking your dress against your skin,it wasn't as warm anymore,but still uncomfortably hot,your mind swirling with questions of where,and who exactly the blood came from,was it her passed maids? Random people she'd stolen off the streets? Hell,maybe she got it from some illegal market,who's to say,but either way,the thought was sickening

'How have I managed to almost die within two days? That has to be a record' you think sarcastically,your heart stopping it's beats whenever you heard what sounded like footsteps,but it already proved to be nothing more then the creaking of the old walls

You let out a breath,walking a bit quicker as you were reminded that the two sisters were still looking for you,and with all this blood it was basically like a target on your back for them

After some time,you find your way back to lady Dimitrescus chambers,since she hasn't showed you where any of the maid quarters were,you'd have to use her suite again,but you were sure she wouldn't mind...that much anyways

You slip off your blood soaked dress,and put it in the sink,running the cold water over it to try and get the blood out,but as blood dripped down your legs and onto the marble floor,you figured you should wash off first

Quickly stepping into the bath,turning the water on and watching it turn red within seconds

You notice a curtain rod above the bath "hm.." you decide that just incase Lady Dimitrescu walked in,you'd like some privacy,so you pull the white curtain over,blocking sight from the bath,though since lady Dimitrescu was so tall,if she was close enough she could simply look over it

You sigh and sink down into the water,keeping it running with the bath plug out so fresh water was always going,and you quickly tried to scrub the blood off,dunking your hair under and scrubbing it out,your fingers stained red,a few clots sticking to them making you gag,the texture of blood was not something you were fond of,which was unfortunate,considering you were in a house of vampires

'I miss my home..and my gardens...and my non-murderous friends' a feeling of sadness filled you,though not enough to cry,you couldn't believe this is how you'd ended up,in some crazy castle,basically held hostage...but then again,you weren't really being forced as you didn't necessarily want to leave,it was pretty here,and so was the countess..

You felt a little better at the thought,your sadness fading and replaced with a more bubbly feeling

You sunk into the water,watching it fade from the dark crimson to a more clear color as more and more of the blood was washed away from your skin,your eyes closing for a moment

Before the door creaked open "What do you think your doing"

Lady Dimitrescus voice made your eyes open,an you sat up a little,your heart beating a little faster "I'm sorry my lady I...I didn't know where else to go and I uhm..."

She interrupted you,stepping a little closer,her shadow visible threw the curtain "I followed the blood trail..are you hurt? Your dress is soaked" she sounded a bit concerned

"No,no I'm not hurt my lady...I just didn't want to keep walking around..covered in blood" you chuckle nervously,and listen to the sound of her nails drumming the marble sink

"Ah..well,that I can forgive.." she took in a breath,relishing in the smell of blood,and your fear

"Though I must say...you smell divine...I'm having a hard time keeping my...desires down" she chuckled darkly,running her nails over the curtain to tease you

You squeak a little and press further down into the water,pushing the bubbles up so they covered your more 'private' areas "well I..appreciate you trying.." you stutter a bit 'is she going to open the curtain?'

'Will she like me?'


You shake your thoughts away,you should be worried about her killing you,instead of if you were to her liking,but you couldn't help but feel a little insecure

She chuckled "well your welcome dear...but I suggest you wait till all the blood is gone before you come out...with you so..." she paused,her nails slowly grabbing the rim of the curtain "Vulnerable~ I might not be able to hold back..~" she hummed,and your breath hitched a little

"My lady-" you start,before she pulled her gloved hand away,laughing a little

"Oh it's adorable how nervous you got~!" She teased,walking over to the sink and looking at the dress "when your done we'll discuss this,and I'll have a clean dress brought in for you" without another word she left

Once she was gone you finish cleaning up,and as promised she did bring you in another dress,but since it was so late it was a fresh nightgown instead of a uniform

You put it on and sigh,letting your wet hair rest over your shoulders,looking at your self in the mirror,before stepping out

Lady Dimitrescu was sitting at her vanity like normal,humming a gentle tune,before her eyes went to you and she smiled "come here"

You obeyed and walked to her,looking up at her with soft eyes "yes my lady?" You asked in a quiet tone

She hummed and grabbed your shoulders,picking you up and setting you on her plush thighs,a small shiver going up your back

She took her brush and started to run it threw your hair from the bottom up,moving in "now..tell me what happened" she cooed as you leaned into the brush "you worried me when you weren't still in the library....i thought you might have disobeyed~" she teased

You giggle nervously "it wasn't my choice really...uhm...Cassandra and..Bela I think,came in..." she raised a brow


"And they,well mostly Cassandra,planned on trying to feed off me...so I ran..and jumped in the blood pool to hide" she nodded as she listened,taking your hair and starting to braid it

"Hm..well I will certainly talk with them dear...though it wasn't very clever hiding in my blood bath..if it were me hunting you,I certainly would have found you~" she ran a hand over your cheek and you shivered

"Well hopefully I won't have to run from you..?" You tilt your head and she smirks

"I can't promise anything~" she leaned in and gently kissed your cheek,leaving a crimson mark,your cheeks a light shade of pink

"Now...I'll talk to my daughters,you go get some rest alright?"

You nod and she sets you off her lap,gently patting your head

You hum softly,before hurrying out of her room "good night darling" she called,and you smile

"Good night"

Shelter (Lady DimitrescuXfem reader)Where stories live. Discover now