3. Mornings

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You sigh as you walk into her bathroom,the walls and floor were white,a large mirror with a gold frame hung on the wall,a marble sink under it

The bath tub was also huge,which made sense since the women was well,enormous. You pulled of your muddy dress,the fabric clinging to you,sending shivers up your back "god this is so gross.." you mumble,and when the fabric brushed against your wounds you whimpered in pain,before setting the dress in the sink so it didn't dirty the floor

Once the bath water was running,you sigh,enjoying the steam that came off it,before stepping in,the water almost immediately turning a light shade of red from all the mud,but you sink lower into the water,your eyes closing for a moment "this isn't so bad.." you mumble,grabbing a red soap bottle and pouring some into your hands,starting to wash your self off "she let me use her private bathroom...and she's letting me stay,so she can't be that scary? Don't judge a book by its cover" You decide that you were,remotely safe,for the moment anyways

Once you were done washing off,your wounds a light shade of red,some of them oozing fresh blood,but it was better then before,and it was less likely they'd be infected now,a small wave of relief going over you,though the gashes were still a problem,but one you'd worry about later

You stepped from the tub,draining the water and grabbing one of the large fluffy towels,bringing it to your nose and taking in a breath "mm.." your shoulders relax as you take in the clean scent,wrapping your self in the towel,hugging it against your body,before you realize,you didn't have any clothes

You couldn't just stand there all day,so,you very nervously walk from the bathroom,holding the towel tightly,terrified it might fall off you

Lady Dimitrescu was sitting at her vanity,brushing out her dark locks of hair,her eyes fixated on her self

"M..miss?" You ask,your face burning from being so...vulnerable

Her yellow gaze moved,and she smirked looking at you,a low chuckle escaping her shirt "oh hello darling~" she turned so she was facing you,her eyes taking in the sight of your exposed figure,making your cheeks flush red "did you need something?" She asked in a cool tone

"I uhm...I didn't have my clothes yet and I..I didn't know if I should come ask you or.."

She raised her hand to quiet you,and you did,looking down at the floor. You froze hearing her chair creek as she stood up,her footsteps getting closer to you "your nightdress isn't here yet...so I suppose you should just stay in here with me~" she smirked looking down at your nervous expression,bringing one of her gloved hands to your chin,lifting it up to look at her

"Why so nervous~?" She teased,her eyes burning into yours with a playful expression,smiling practically from ear to ear

"I..I'm not! I just uhm..a bit..embarrassed I suppose..I mean..I'm practically naked in front of you..and your a stranger and I.." you ramble a little,and she laughs

"What's your name" she asked in a sweet tone

"Y/N.." you reply,and she smiled more,loving how nervous you seemed to be already

"I am Lady Dimitrescu" she purred,before she suddenly pulled you closer into her,her hand moving to your back,making it so she was the one holding your towel closed "see,now we're not strangers"

Your heart fluttered in your chest,your legs feeling wobbly as her perfume drifted into your nose,she smelled like flowers..and dried fruit,mixed with something slightly...bloody? All the same it was a wonderful scent..and it relaxed you slightly

You cleared your throat,looking up at her with a dopey little smile "I..I suppose your right...Lady Dimitrescu" you tried to be polite,trying your best to keep your eyes on hers

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