23. Curiosity

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(Sorry it's so short! Figured I'd let you guys have something to read-)

You had never slept so well in your life! After that...special night with Lady Dimitrescu your sleep was filled with sweet romantic dreams. Dreams of her.

You had decided that Sleeping next to her was entirely the best way to sleep. You of course were aloud to sleep with her whenever you wanted,but most of the time she wasn't actually in bed,you'd have to change that

Though of course all good things come to an end,and a rather loud one at that

"Mother Miranda I'm not quite sure you understand what she tried to-" the voice of a frantic Lady Dimitrescu came from beside you making you jolt awake

You could hear the muffled voice of Mother Miranda on the other end "no I'm not sure what you've done! You ungrateful brat! Killing the maiden I sent to you! And the one that insured your success!" She hissed from across the phone

"You've never cared in these matters before,I assumed it would be the same Mother Miranda. I deeply apologize and I won't-"

She was cut off again "Oh I know you won't do that again. Do I need to come over there again and get rid of your distractions? It seems you've been having quite a few" you could practically see the sinister smirk on her face,and your heart dropped

"No mother Miranda I assure you...I have everything under control! Everything has been going just as you instructed! Everything is going as planned!"

"Are you sure Alcina? Last I checked you hadn't fulfilled over five shipments. If that's how your doing with your own business I can't imagine what your doing with mine" There was a long window of silence,Alcina was on the edge of her seat,her hand clutching her armoire so tightly she was cracking the trim

"I will be coming to your estate within the week. Be ready for me or there will be consequences"

"Yes mother Miranda" she said sounding defeated,the click on the other sound of the phone being heard as Mother Miranda set the phone down

She sighed softly and looked in the mirror,raising a brow as she saw your reflection staring back at her "It's not very polite to eavesdrop dear" she hummed,her grip on the vanity loosening

"I apologize...I uhm...I didn't mean to" you said with a small smile,moving and throwing your legs over the edge of the massive bed

She shook her head and sighed "It's fine dear. I'm sorry I woke you" she cooed and leaned over to give you a kiss which you eagerly leaned in to

You just smiled and hopped down from the large bed,bringing one of the massive sheets down with you "so...what was that about exactly?" You ask in a worried tone

She tenses lightly,her expression turning to a more anxiety ridden one,but she quickly hid it "it's nothing you'll need to worry about. I have it all handled" she reassured

You got the small hint that she was lying,her whole figure tense,but you bit your tongue and kept your thoughts to your self "Alright..."

She smiled and pat your head,before she turned back to her vanity "I set out your clothes on the dresser"

You smiled and nodded as you walked to it,picking up the short,black laced dress she had set out "thank you"

She cooed "of course...did you sleep well dear?" She asked as you skipped the dress over your head

"Hm? Oh I slept just fine love" she nodded and tapped her nails on the vanity awkwardly,glancing back at you as she watched you dress

Your cheeks flushed slightly but you ignored it,something was wrong...

Once you were dressed you walked back to her,hugging her sides(or what ever you could reach) and she smiled,rubbing her hand threw your hair "are you sure your ok? I expected you to be...happier..? After last night..." she chuckled and smirked as she looked down at you

"Oh I assure you I'm quite happy dear. Especially after light night~" she flirted and you laughed a bit

"You just seem tense...and that phone call didn't exactly seem the best" she hummed and glanced at the black phone and sighed

"Just some business things dear...it's nothing important" she said again

"But it sounded like mother Miranda" you looked up at her with a concerned look

She tenses a little and sighed "Yes it was her" was all she said and you nodded

"What did she want..?" You pressed further

She sighed,looking down at you and raising a brow "Nosy are we?" She chuckled

You shook your head "What did she want" you asked again

"She's upset with me about Violet. I'm not sure why but she is"

"Why would she be upset? Violet was just a maid...? Why would she have any concerns about it?" You asked in a nervous tone, perhaps it was deeper then it appeared

She shrugged and looked back into her mirror, her golden eyes shining with concern. She sighed "it's nothing important anymore, I'll take care of it" she rubbed her temple before a small smile spread over her crimson lips "did you sleep well love?"

You nod and lean against the bed "mhm! Wonderfully" you cooed and reached up to hold her hand, giving it a gentle kiss which earned a small laugh from her

She seemed happy, a smile resting on her lips, though you couldn't help but notice the small hint of... distain on her expression. You knew she had to be lying about that phone call

What did Violet have to do with anything? Wasn't she just a crazy maid?

If Alcina didn't tell you, you'd find out for your self, you had to.. okay you didn't have to, it was merely your curiosity getting the better of you

You just had to wait till Mother Miranda arrived...

Shelter (Lady DimitrescuXfem reader)Where stories live. Discover now