14. Special

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You let our shaky breaths as you walk down the dark hallway again,you didn't know if your lady was in her bedroom, or if she was still wondering the halls looking for you....

You felt a bit bad,she hadn't seemed to want to hurt you? So why did you run...you your self didn't know,all you could think of was the dread that she was just trying to use you....

But you sighed,making your way to her door again,over the past weeks she'd been kind to you,cared for you,and now she had been trying to give you something more then just simple care...could that mean something? Or did she just want to play with you,you'd heard stories of other maids who had fallen for her charm,she treated them differently at first,cared for them,using her sweet words and actions to draw them into her grasp,pulling them in so deeply they became almost hypnotized by her,but then she'd get bored,and kill them like they were nothing more then a bug beneath her heal

Was that what she wanted to do to you? To groom you like that,to pry into your heart and hear all your deep secrets and desires so she could wrap you around her claws,then break you

But that's not what she'd do right? And maybe if that is what she wanted it wouldn't be so bad...you had nothing left besides this castle,besides your mistress,you had no eats left,no friends besides the maidens,no family,well...no family that you actually considered to be yours anymore

You were absolutely riddled with anxiety,and fear,but your thoughts were broken as you reach her door,knocking

Knock knock knock

No reply...

"She must still be searching for me..." you whisper,clutching your maid dress and opening the door,pushing it open with a soft grunt,scanning the room for a moment,just to see if she was hiding

Seeing her not at her vanity or her bed,you walk in,taking little nervous steps to her bed,crawling up on it and sitting on the edge with a sigh,letting the bed take you into its softness with a breath of relief,trying to think of what to say when she came back...If she came back,she might never stop looking for you...that was improbable of course,only some romantic thing you'd read where the lover is so lost without there partner that they walk them selfs to death from searching

Wait wait wait...lover? Why were you thinking like that,crap crap crap her trap was already bringing you in..! You were already wrapping your self around her finger! God this was pathetic how could you do this to your self! Hadn't you ran away from her your self?

You were pulled from your doubt riddled thoughts by the sound of the door creaking open,you sat right up,your eyes going to your lady,who stood in the door,her arms crossed over her chest and a emotionless expression on her face

"My lady I'm sorry I ran...I just...I got scared I..." you spoke in a hushed tone,looking at your dress,trying not to tremble

You listened to the sound of her heavy steps as she made her way to you,and soon,you felt your self being pulled into a tight embrace,her hand going into your hair again "sh...my dear Y/N...I don't know what I did to frighten you...well,enough to make you run from me..~"she cooed,and pulled back lifting your chin so you looked at her,her yellow eyes were soft,and comforting

"I was just...I don't...I don't want to do... 'that' with just...anyone I mean....I...it's supposed to be special isn't it?"

She cocked her brow "am I not special enough?"

"No no! You are I meant...like a partner...and you don't think of me like that, I'm...I'm your hand-maiden... just recently before that I was just some women who'd wondered onto your estate..."

It was silent for a moment,your mind focused on her breathing,feeling her little huffs of breath against your forehead making you shiver slightly,and after a moment she cupped your cheeks

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