16. Meeting

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(Alright,after this chapter,things will get more action-y,and definitely more romancey,sooo I feel the next few chapters will.... Interest a few of you lmao,and this one will be a bit long,so enjoy)

It had been a two days since that little talk in the bedroom,since that kiss you'd given her,and because of it,your heart seemed to flutter three-times as fast as it normally did,and she had definitely noticed it,teasing you multiple times a day,every little chance she'd get she teased you,calling you those darling pet names and caressing your head in the way you seemed to like

Those thoughts aside,you'd been acting your best for her,doing everything she asked,cleaning everything with precision,and you started to strut a little in front of her,she of course found it funny how you tried to show off,and every time you did you could hear her little giggles as she watched you

You still didn't know what the call she'd taken was about,and when she came back she simply said she had been 'Fixing some business' which you assumed meant ordering maidens or something for her bloody business,was that even how she got maidens? She ordered them? Or did they just wonder in like you had? You didn't know,and you didn't really care anymore,well,you kind of did,cause they were well,murdering people

At the moment,you were walking down the halls,waving goodbye to Cecilia and Elizabeth who had stopped to chat with you,surprised you'd survived it seemed

"All right bye!" You call,to them watching them walk away,arms linked as they basically held each other

You turn the other direction,a stack of books in your hand,Lady Dimitrescu let you pick a few to take to your room,as long as you returned them when you were done of course,they seemed to be older,with faded covers,and pages that seemed very well read

'Hm...I wonder what she'll have me do today...' you hum,it was still rather early in the day,and you'd been surprised she hadn't come to see you yet,normally she kept you attached at her hip since she'd made you her handmaiden

You step into your bedroom,that happened to be across the hall from Lady Dimitrescus,since she'd moved you there after making you her handmaiden,setting the books on your Night-stand before turning,gasping softly as you look to your door

Somehow lady Dimitrescu had managed to silently sneak up behind you,towering over you with a smile on her face

"Good morning Y/N"

"Good morning my lady" you say with a slight cheer in your voice,her hand reaching down and rubbing your head making you hum happily

She let out a soft sigh,arching her back a bit and stretching "My dear,I have a meeting today,and I was wondering if your like to accompany me? It's quite boring,so id love to have you with me" she cooed

You nod "yes my lady id love to!" You pause "where are we going exactly?"

"Oh it's not far really...maybe an hour or so? But I'm sure that's not to troublesome for you,I know you like my company~" she chuckled and your cheeks flush a small amount

"Well...yes I do" you giggle a little,tucking some hair behind your ear

She clasped her hands together "Now,your going to need to change out of that Maid attire,I need my little moth looking her best" she teased,smirking at you a little

"Yes my lady...what would you like me to wear?" Your head tilted a bit,your dress you'd arrived in was probably thrown out from how filthy it was,and you doubted she had a dress that fit you,since she was so much bigger

"I have a dress you can have my dear,don't worry" you nod and she turns,gesturing you to follow and you do,walking across the hall into her room,she closed the door,walking to her closet and grabbing a box off the floor,opening it "hm...I think this is it"

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