2. Into the castle

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"Hello little one~"

You gasped as you looked at the large women before you,she had to be at least 9'6,a long silky white gown clung to her figure,making your cheeks flush,her skin was pale,making her look vampiric,but still beautiful all the same

She gazed down at you with yellow eyes that burned into yours,her gloved fingers tapping at the frame of the door,and she scoffed a little "my god your filthy.." you look down embarrassed,your legs shaking from the pain and the nervousness

"I..I'm so sorry miss...I..I've been lost for days and I....I saw your estate and I thought..I thought I could maybe escape from it..." your voice was wavered with pained tears,and her eyes softened for a moment,before a little smirk appeared on her crimson lips

"Oh? And why exactly should I let you in hm? What would I get in return?" She titled her head,looking at you as if you were a mouse in her claws

"Miss I..I could pay you! Or I'd even work for you to pay for the night! Anything please...I can't stay out here any longer" you pleaded,your voice in a begging tone

She chuckled darkly,leaning down and gently lifting your chin so you looked directly at her "hm..well,I'm always in need of fresh maidens.." she paused "and I wouldn't dream of leaving such a pretty thing like you out here all alone~"

You gulped,your eyes widened,your body still shaking,wincing as another cramp of pain shot up your leg

"Tsk..you poor thing..now let's get you inside" she hummed and stood,bringing a hand to your back,pushing you in making you stumble

Once you'd got your footing,you stood up straighter and tried to brush some mud from your hair

"Take those boots off,I won't have you tracking mud threw my halls" her tone was stern,so you obeyed,pulling them off and setting them aside as you listened to her lock the door,a satisfying click being heard

You noticed a fly buzz past your face,which was odd,her home seemed so clean,why would there be flies?

She noticed the fly and smiled a little,walking up behind you,as if blocking you from running to the door

And before you could speak again,a swarm of flies appears,they swirled around you,and little bursts of laughter echoed around you,before three bloody women appeared around you

"Hello dears" cooed Lady Dimitrescu behind you,and the girls smiled up her at her,though one of them kept her eyes on you

"Hello mother" they chimed,the blonde one walking closer "is she for us?" She asked,running a claw over your chin,your body freezing up

Lady Dimitrescu chuckled,shaking her head "not yet darling,besides,she's far to filthy for that..." she paused "she is afraid guest"

The red headed one speaks "oh mother please! Just a little bite! I'm sure the mud won't make her taste much worse..." she stepped closer,the two now circling you "and she smells soooo good.."

The dark haired one giggles,still staying behind though,eying you up and down,a hungry expression on her face

"Cassandra! I said no" she then looked to the blonde "Bela,calm your self,I'm sure you have other maidens to play with don't you?" Her tone sounded motherly,and the girls groaned

"I suppose.." Cassandra mumbled,flashing her sickle at you,just to tease you "good bye blood bag,we'll see you later~" the all giggle,before turning into the swarm again,buzzing off down the dark halls

"W..who are they?" You asked,your voice shaky and your eyes wide,warning a little chuckle from her

"Hm.~? Oh just my daughters..you'll see more of them I'm sure" she hummed,gently pushing you to the stairs "follow me,I'll show you to your room,so you can clean up"

You nod,and she walks you up the large marble staircase,a smile still on her dark lips,your mind rushing with nervous thoughts,mostly about the daughters who seemed to want to kill you

She seemed to notice,her hand gently moving up and grazing your hair "oh don't be so nervous sweetheart,your perfectly...safe~" she purred,and you just nodded,staying quiet for now

She led you down one of the dark halls,passing by a few maids,and In her presence they all bowed,and one of them gave you a pitying look

She led you into a small bedroom,the walls made of stone like the outside of the building,a small window next to a straw bed,the only other furniture was a small dresser, a bedside table,and a little shelf above the dresser,decorated with a single candle "here you are,you'll sleep in here tonight"

You looked up at her,nervous to even speak to her "I uhm..where will I be bathing?" You ask

"You may bathe in my suite..you'll be given new clothes of course as well,then you will come back here when your done"

You nod "alright...but where is your suite?"

"Oh right,it's in my chambers dear,follow me" she turned and ducked down under the door,and you followed quickly behind,being careful not to track mud

Her room was a few halls away from yours,and you made sure to memorize how to get back

Eventually she led you to a larger door,that seemed to be made specifically for her,though she was still a bit to tall for it. She opened the door and gently pushed you inside

Her room was large,and decorated with golds and roses,her bed was large and lush,with dark fur blankets and fluffy pillows

She gestured to a door on the other side "the bath is in there,go clean your self off" you nod and make your way to it

"Thank you.."

She simply nodded,waving you off as she sat at her vanity,humming to her self as you close the door behind you

Shelter (Lady DimitrescuXfem reader)Where stories live. Discover now