18. Nightmares

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(The chapters will probably start to get longer as we go on,at least 3000 per chapter now

Also,gore warning)

It had been a few days since the visit with mother Miranda,and that slightly erotic moment you'd shared with Lady Dimitrescu in the blood bath

You would have hoped that things would be going more smoothly for you,and you might get to have some relaxation,but you were so,very very wrong

Each day consisted of waking up at 7 am,getting dressed,preparing a bath for your lady,getting her breakfast,helping with paperwork,then making lunch,doing the dishes,cleaning her bedroom,then as a little "snack" for her she'd ask for a little drink from your wrist,you didn't mind all that much but it was still draining,literally

It wouldn't be that bad if you hadn't been plagued with nightmares,each night the dreams more dark and gory then the last,and every night you woke up in a cold sweat,and every night you cried your self to sleep afterwords

Each nightmare seemed to have a different fear of yours it themed off of,the first night was the worst though,you were terrorized with images of you being torn apart by crows in your old estates bedroom,crows circling around you and the bitter cackles of Mother Miranda and Yara surrounding you

At the moment,you were in your bedroom,brushing your hair and preparing for bed,sighing softly as you knew horrors awaited you

"It can't be that bad...maybe tonight I won't have one? Maybe it's over" you say to your self,trying to give you a bit of assurance,though it didn't work,because deep down you knew it wasn't true

You set your brush down,and lay back on the bed with a huff,looking at your ceiling,you were to tired to try and resist sleep,no matter how badly you wanted to stay awake to avoid the nightmares

Slowly your eyes grow heavy,and your lids close as a darkness swallows you,letting out one final sigh as you drift into uneasy sleep

Your eyes open,and your standing in Lady Dimitrescus rose garden,except all the flowers are dead and gray,there petals crumbling and falling to the dry grass

You turn and face the castle,gasping as you see it's state "oh my god..." you breathe

The estate was in shambles,the walls crumbling and falling down almost completely,you were able to see fully inside,looking into what used to be the elegant halls,3 oddly human-like crystal forms on the floor

You felt a wave of grief wash over you,and you look down at your self,your clothes were torn,and dusty,blood dripping down your legs

"Such a shame isn't it?"

Said a smooth voice from behind,and you turn around with a gulp,seeing mother Miranda standing behind you,fear emitting from you

"What happened here..." you ask,your voice wavering

She chuckles darkly "you destroyed them,you did this,you messed everything up like you always do,you worthless filthy mortal girl"

Her words were hissed into your ear,and you gulp,your eyes widening "that's...that's not true! I..I had no part in this!" How could you have? You'd just arrived at the scene

"Oh but you did~ you killed her daughters,you destroyed her home,you destroyed her" she cooed,and you stumble back

"No! No I would never! I would never hurt any of them!" You yell,your hands clutching over your heart

"You made this happen,you got in the way and they were destroyed" she smirked and took a step forward "well...partially destroyed" she hummed and you just stare at her in fear

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