13. Kiss

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She chuckled,finding your nervousness amusing. Her hands snaked up your waist and gave them a good firm squeeze,her eyes burning in to yours,daring you to turn away from her

"M..my lady-!" You stutter before your words are interrupted by a kiss,your eyes widening as she leaned down in to you, her soft lips pressing in a hungry way against yours. Your cheeks flushed a deep red and your face burned from the blush,you felt like your stomach was doing summersaults and your heart was beating so fast you were sure it was going to beat its self out of your chest and into her hands...even though in some way it already was

'Oh my god oh my god what is happening...' you mind was racing,but you felt your self melt into it,in to her. She  rewarded you by loosening her grip on your face,her oddly long tongue slowly pushing into your mouth,twirling around yours,making your head tilt back,your mouth parting ever so slightly for her allowing her a bit more access to your mouth

your eyes fluttered as she looked down at you,her golden lust filled eyes  burning into yours,just waiting for you to submit to it,to her,to embarrassed to look into her eyes any longer you close yours,and going against everything you told your self not to do,you moved closer against her straddling her waist

She hummed in response,pleased with how you willingly moved closer,she never ended the kiss,but her hands started to move,the one on your face moving and running threw your hair,pulling your head closer against hers,twirling the soft strands in her fingers,pulling them ever so slightly,while the one on your waist slowly moved up and down,feeling your sides and back,her claws tracing against the fabric of your dress,threatening to rip it clean off

She pulled away for a moment,looking at you with a sly and flirty grin,her eyes filling with desire and maybe something more,her lipstick was smeared in a crimson mess,as If she'd just drank your blood,but alas there was no bite on your neck

you your self weren't as... 'put together' as when she'd started,your hair a bit frizzed from her playing with it,and her lipstick smeared over your face from how much larger her lips were then yours

You looked at her trying to catch your breath,your heart beating like a drum,she looked at you with a hunger that you hadn't seen before,and it scared you,but it also...excited you? In some weird primal way

"Oh my little moth~ your heart is beating so fast~" she smirked "is it because of me my darling~?" Her claws traced over your cheek,threatening to cut your soft skin

"M..my lady I don't...uhm...understand I...I really don't think we should b..be..." you trailed off,becoming a flustered nervous mess

"Shh dear~" she leaned down,her teeth nipping your ear lobe "let me take care of you hm~? You've had such a hard time,you deserve some.... Pleasure~"

'Oh my god she's gonna fuck me-'

This was a very,very different turn then what you'd expected,but before you could say anything,she'd grabbed you again and pulled you into a much more passionate and thick kiss

She closed her eyes,holding you tightly against her soft and much larger figure,your body getting slightly squished by her noticeably large and soft breasts,Wich just made you blush more realizing how close to them you were

She groaned softly into the kiss,which surprised you,both of her hands holding your sides now,and your own reaching up and grabbing her shoulders as she continued to kiss you,the room filled with the sounds of your soft Mewls and both of your lips moving together and the sound of the fire crackling

After a few minutes of the intoxicating kiss,she slowly,slowly started running one of her larger hands to your front,her hand grazing your upper stomach,while her free hand slowly went to your thigh making you shutter as she started to run it up and under your dress,her claws grazing your soft skin making you gasp, the knot in your belly tightening

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