9. Peace

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It had been about a two weeks since the blood bath incident,and surprisingly,everything was very peaceful,Cassandra and her sisters hadn't bothered you,and Lady Dimitrescu didn't really either

With no teasing,or threats it was honestly nice,yes you didn't have a choice to stay,so why not enjoy it? The castle was beautiful,and lavish,way nicer then the one you used to live in. The darkness...was a little bit of a downside,it made it easier for the sisters,and Lady Dimitrescu to sneak up on you,they didn't do it very often,but when they did you always felt like your heart was gonna beat it's self out into your mouth

But that aside,it was nice,you'd made friends,learned more about the castle from other maidens,and with the surprising amount of free time you had,you got to practice your hobbies,taking up most time drawing,your bedside table filled with pictures of lady Dimitrescu,or the castle,they were kept hidden in the second drawer,under the unused pages of paper,just incase someone went snooping

Rosa had introduced you to a lot of the maidens,though your closest friends turned out to be Anna,Jimena,and Valeri

You'd learned Anna had arrived a week before you had,so it would be nice to have someone to learn things with,especially since half the time she didn't seem to know what she was doing either. When she,or you was confused Valeri would always show you what to do no matter how irritated you both seemed to make her,you didn't know much about her yet but you were still friends

Jimena,was one of the older maids you'd met. She was motherly in a way,but she kind of reminded you of a sailor

All of them were nice,and it was good to know that you weren't alone

You'd gotten more time to practice your hobbies surprisingly,you'd assumed with how big the estate was you wouldn't ever have free time! But lady Dimitrescu was rather easy with the tasks she gave you,which was nice but you kind of wished you had a bit more to do,everyone else was busy most of the time so you only had lunch to talk with them

So most of your hours were spent alone with just your mind to keep you company,and your drawings

You'd been getting more artsy since getting to the estate,your beside table was filled with drawings,a lot of them of Lady Dimitrescu,but of course you kept those hidden at the very bottom of the drawers covered by your less embarrassing drawings

You sighed as you cleaned off the table in the maids quarters,it was your job to help clean up the cafeteria after meals,you didn't mind it of course but it certainly was a lot of dishes with how big the room was and how many maidens there were,you had to guess at least a hundred

You pushed some hair behind your ears as you set a bowl into the dish cart,humming one of your favorite songs

So many dishes..so many dishes you think so your self

The doors creaked open,but you ignored it as it was probably just another maiden coming in to clean

"Y/N there you are! I've been looking for you all over"

You looked up "oh sorry Valeri I was trying to get all the dishes picked up,is there something you need?" You ask tilting your head,leaning against the dish cart

She nodded and brushed her skirt down,making sure her dress looked neat and tidy "Lady Dimitrescu wants you"

Your heart skipped a beat

Did I mess up?

"What dose she need?" You ask calmly,even though you were secretly freaking out for some reason

"I'm not sure...but she didn't sound angry,she probably just wants to talk or something" her tone was reassuring,and it calmed your mind a little

You sigh "could you take the cart for me?"

Shelter (Lady DimitrescuXfem reader)Where stories live. Discover now