6. Cassandra

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(Light gore warning)

You stutter,backing up a little,to put some distance between you and her "s..sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you I-" you ramble on,but your cut off with a little hiss from her

"I said,hello Y/N,it's not very polite to ignore a greeting~" she smirked,fresh blood dripping down her chin and onto her dress,staining her mouth crimson

She took a few steps forward as you back away "y..yes right,hello Cassandra" you try to keep your tone cool,but your shaky hands gave away your nervousness

She laughed,and very quickly grabbed onto you,slamming you into the wall,a sharp gasp of pain being heard "you smell like mother.." she tilted her head,looking down at your leg "ah I see...is the little blood bag wounded~?" She asked,her hand reaching for her sickle

You weren't going to lie,so you nod "well I...she was going to feed off me but she saw it and.." you gulp noticing her pull on the handle of her weapon

"Well I can see why she was going to...you smell delicious...I was so jealous when she took you away last night! I wanted to taste you..." she hummed "but,now I can! Lucky me~"

You gulp "I don't think she'd like that very much..she..she said she-"

"She didn't say anything she gave me and my sisters no rules,so technically,your free game,I could kill you right now~"

Some of the blood on her chin,dripped down onto your hands making you gag a little,being so close you could see it,and smell it,it was disgusting,she smelled like blood,and death,her hands and face sticky with the crimson liquid

"Well....How about you let me go and we go ask huh? Don't want you getting in trouble.." you chuckle nervously,of course it was just a excuse to get away

She shook her head "I'm not stupid Blood bag,If I get in trouble,so what?" She pulled her sickle out,and slowly dragged it up your side "I want to know what you sound like screaming" she teased,and your heart skipped a beat,suddenly feeling cold with fear

And you start to squirm,pulling against her to try and get away,but your resistance is met with a hand over your mouth,blood smearing over your lips making you want to throw up,her sickle suddenly ripping up your arm,tearing open your flesh,blood slowly oozing down your arm,hot and sticky,a pained muffled cry being heard against her gloves

She smirked and leaned down,dragging her tongue along your exposed muscle,trying to pull your arm away from her,the pain worse then the stitches

"Mmp! Cassandra! Let g..go!" You yell,and she suddenly bites down making you scream,her fangs digging into your muscle hard,enough that you were sure she was going to tear a chunk of your flesh out,your blood covering her lips,and oozing down onto the floor making a little puddle on the floors

'She's gonna be so mad..I already messed up..' then you stop,why were you concerned about your literal blood messing up the floors? You could be killed and that's what you were worried about?

Your arm started to go numb,which couldn't possibly be good,her teeth and tongue still worked your wound,most of the blood landing on the floor instead of her mouth,did she even care? Or was it just a game to her

Soon,you hear heavy steps making there way to you,and Cassandra is yanked off,you clutch your arm,looking at the bloody gash

"Cassandra what do you think your doing!" Lady Dimitrescus voice boomed,her yellow eyes gleaming with anger,her arms crossed as she looked down at Cassandra

Cassandra gulped "I..I was hungry!" She whined,looking up at her mother,sounding like a scolded child

"Look what you've done! You have plenty of maidens to choose and yet you choose my new one? She's nearly dead!" She gestured to all the blood,and your pale expression

She grumbled "well you never told us that I couldn't! How was I supposed to know!" She argued

She glared at Cassandra,shooting her a warning glare "don't you dare use that tone with me" her tone was stern,and angry "but I suppose I have a small bit of fault...I didn't tell you" she huffed and walked over to you,picking you up and cradling you in her arms,your blood staining her dress "but from now on,she is officially mine you,and your sisters are not aloud to touch her,you know very well how I feel about playing with things that don't belong to you"

She sighed "yes mother...it won't happen again" she crossed her arms,glaring up at you

"Im sure it won't,we'll talk about this later,but I need to take care of my maiden" she looked at you with a pitying look,before she turned,taking you back to her chambers again

You couldn't really keep your eyes open,your arm filled with pain that felt like a fire,her steps made you bounce a little in her arms,every step making you move,sending shocks of pain up your arm

Noticing your pained state she walked faster,finally getting to her chambers,hurriedly setting you on her bed,pulling her med kit and immediately starting her work on you again

"You poor thing...it's the second time today I've had to work on you" she thought for a moment as she began stitching up your arm "it appears I need to keep a better eye on you...." Her words trailed off for a moment

You looked up at her,feeling woozy "your dress.." you mumble

She tilts her head "hm? What about it dear" she gently stroked your cheek

"I ruined it.." you whine softly,and she chuckled looking down at her dress,noticing the blood

"It's alright..it's funny how your the one hurt,and your worried about a silly little thing like a dress" she hummed,leaning down and gently kissing your forehead,making you relax

"Such a sweet little maiden..." she cooed,Gently stroking your cheek with her thumb,before she pulled away,and you look at your stitched arm as she bandages it

"All better...now you may rest in here..I'll watch you"

You nod,and before she even moved away,you drifted off into a slightly pained sleep

Shelter (Lady DimitrescuXfem reader)Where stories live. Discover now