10. Laundry

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The next few days went by in a blur,your mind to focused on the thought of Her

Lady Dimitrescu,the women who'd given you the mark on your neck,the women who had practically told you you were hers,who'd murdered countless women,who'd toyed with your heart and kept you constantly on your toes. The women you feared....and somehow...loved

It was all so...confusing

One moment you were terrified of her,the next you felt like you were walking on air just by the thought of her! How on earth did you manage to get your self stuck in...in this mess! In this horrible,confusing...wonderful mess....

No no no this is not wonderful! She just wants to eat you,and in more ways then one! She's only toying with me...yeah...that's all it is

Your brought from your thoughts as Anna speaks up,her big blue eyes fixed on your clenched hands

"You alright over there Y/N?" Piped Anna.who looked up from putting a load of laundry into the washer "your mumbling again"

"Oh! Yeah I'm fine...just distracted is all" you sigh and run a hand over your mark with a small wince,looking at the dress you were folding

Anna nods in understanding "I see...maybe you need a break hm? You still have the tickets Rosa gave you right?"

You nod in return "yeah I put them in my dresser in my room,but I'm not exactly sure I should go..."

"Why?" She asked tilting her head

"Well...Lady Dimitrescu made it very clear that I am not leaving here,or..that anyone can,Wich I think is so dumb! Why dose she give us tickets,to leave and go out if she dosent actually want us to go?"

"Well...I think it's because the 'fun' makes are blood taste better...or something like that,or else I'm pretty sure she'd make us stay here" Anna's tone was soft as it always was

"But I still don't think she'd allow me...plus I'm to scared to actually ask her" you sighed

"Ah yes..that's probably why most maidens have so many,there all to scared to ask,she is absolutely terrifying!" She giggles a little and you do to,the washing room filled with the sound of giggling and the soft hum of the machine

You sigh and break the giggling "I just want to get out...I can't stay here...I mean,I wouldn't mind staying,but I fear what will happen to me if I do.."

She nods "we all do,I've heard tales of maidens who couldn't even last a day...but hey! The fact we have lasted this long is a sign isn't it? Or look at Jimena? She's been here for 3 years!" She hummed, trying to lift your spirits and your hopes

"I suppose....I really have no life to go back to anyways...." You sigh and Anna tilts her head

"Oh yeah..I never asked what you were before..." she gestured to the estate "this"

"Well...I used to be a Lady of Court,sort of a...duchess?" You say in a somewhat Solemn tone

"Oooo fancy,how exactly did you get here then? I mean,a duchess shouldn't be aaaaall the way out here? Especially in this place" she said,looking at you with a curios look

You grumble a little "you are just as bad as Lady Dimitrescu! She kept asking me the same questions about my damned past life! Like I should have told her,I don't want to talk about it!" you said snapping at her,Anna looked a little hurt,not knowing if that was supposed to be a insult or not

You weren't sure why you snapped...I mean she just asked a question? You were just stressed you suppose

"Jeez it was just a question Y/N..." she got quiet and looked back to her laundry

"Look..Anna I'm sorry..." you felt a bit bad,you didn't mean to snap at her

"N..no it's fine Y/N! I get it..sometimes are past life's are painful to speak of,especially if they are not good..." she said in a quiet tone,sadness and memory filling her eyes,something you would remember

"I am sorry Anna,I shouldn't have snapped..." you sigh and she looks back at you

"I have to go Y/N...I'll see you later in the kitchen ok?" She gave you a small smile,before she left you in the laundry room,feeling alone again,and feeling guilty that you'd yelled at Anna

And as you were left with your thoughts,your mind began to take over,filled with thoughts of Lady Dimitrescu,you didn't believe it was your choice to think of her...but your mind betrayed you,as you began to think of all the things Lady Dimitrescu would do to you if you made mistakes,or even worse,what she'd do to you if she liked you,your heart beginning to flutter at the thought

'God what's wrong with me...' you think to your self,sighing as you finish with laundry and take your leave,walking to the hallway,you didn't really have anything to do,it was about Noon,so your lunch break was about to start,so you figured you could walk to your bedroom,and take some time to your self

So once you get to your room you let out a sigh of relief,over the past days you'd decorated it a little,except the day Lady Dimitrescu had..well bitten you...

But you shook that thought away and closed the door looking at your room,so far you'd decorated with walls with pen drawings of the castle,or things you'd seen,you kept two stacks of paper in the night stand next to the bed,and ontop of it was a vase of roses that Rosa had given you,and 3 books from Anna that you put on the small dresser,the room was coming along nicely,and it actually looked like a room instead of a prison cell

Light came in threw the window,and it lit the room up nicely,it felt calm,for once,so you grabbed a piece of paper,and sat on your bed,taking your pen and began to draw

You drew in long black lines,getting lost in the art as you drew,first the drawing seemed to start out as a black rose in the corner of your paper....and your mind took a bit of control,and the likes around the rose became a dress,then a body,then before you knew it,you'd drawn Lady Dimitrescu,and when you finished you gasped,it was honestly one of the best works you'd done!

"Alright Y/N nicely done...but why did I have to draw her?" You asked her self,looking at the drawing,you hadn't meant to draw her..it just,came out...? You sighed looking at it

In the drawing she stood,a gentle smile on her face and her hands crossed,even on paper she was elegant,mesmerizing even...

You could never let anyone see this,but you didn't want to destroy it! It was to good! So you just hid it in your night stand,grabbing another piece of paper and beginning to draw again,using the ink to draw a rose garden,flowers were one of your favorite things to draw after all

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