24. The visit

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(Man how do you guys read this- I've been looking threw it and my writing is absolute crap lmao)

It had been only a few days since that call and Lady Dimitrescu seemed to be on edge... you tried your best to calm her, but nothing ever worked... even when at some point you'd tried to start your own little 'special moment' with her, she'd indulged for only a moment... before she told you she had work to get done

So other then that rejection you tried your best to help her, you had to. You knew mother Miranda would be coming soon... it had already been 3 days, and the longer time went on the more the estate seemed to buzz with a nervous energy, even from her daughters! And you were certain they weren't afraid of anything

You'd seen Mother Miranda once before... in person anyways, and she was terrifying... but was she terrifying enough to cause the whole house this much stress?

At the moment you were hurrying around for Cassandra , helping her clean up all the random blood stains she'd left on the dining room

"Cassandra you really need to clean up your meals... I'm breaking my back trying to scrub these out..." you mumbled, your back aching as you scrubbed the marble floor and the smell of bleach making your nose burn

"Oh stop complaining... mothers made you do harder things in bed" she hissed. She still wasn't to fond of you being with Alcina

"Excuse me-" you stuttered a little, looking up at Cassandra who had a little smirk "your so perverted..." you mumbled

She rolled her eyes "would you rather have me be blood hungry?"

"You already are" you gestured to the scars on your arm

"That was over a year ago Y/N, get over it" she hissed and you wrinkled your nose

You both stayed quiet and continued to clean, though most of the work was done by you as she kept getting distracted

You didn't have to clean the estate, Alcina had basically taken away all of your maid duties as she preferred to have you near her, but you wanted to help... take some of the stress off of everyone. And being alone with Alcina when she was stressed was a little nerve racking... she was either always hungry, horny, or angry. All of which you couldn't handle 24/7

After the floors were done you sighed and stood up, your hands sore and your knees and dress a bit wet from all the soap

"I'm gonna go clean up..." you said and Cassandra just shrugged

Though you didn't have much time before Daniella ran "she's here! She's here!" She looked at you and clapped her hands "change quickly!" She then looked up the stairs and turned in to a swarm, buzzing up to Alcinas

You quickly tried to clean up, rushing in to Alcinas room (which you now shared with her)

You quickly tried to get dressed, noticing that Alcina wasn't in there

How'd she get downstairs so quickly?

Once you were dressed you rushed downstairs, to the sisters all standing neatly in a line with Alcina in front of them

"Mother Miranda I am so honored to have your arrival... truly I feel..." she was cut off by Mother Miranda raising a hand

"I don't care Alcina. This is business, quit your useless blabbering" she took a step forward and the sisters stared at the ground

"Yes mother Miranda, my apologies" she whispered

You stood by the stairs, your ears turning a little red as you watched Mother Miranda

Stuck up bitch you thought to your self

Mother Miranda noticed you "Now that's the one I want to see. She's the one already causing trouble... your lucky I didn't take her away on that first meeting" she growled at Alcina "your pets always come as a distraction"her tone was cold, and... mischievous

"Good to see you to Mother Miranda" you said politely, though there was poison in your voice

Alcina noticed and shot you a look, and you just smiled softly

"Y/N..." she said cooly, and you stepped s little closer, trying to make the point that you weren't intimidated (even if you were terrified of Mother Miranda. Which you kinda were)

Mother Miranda cleared her voice "now. Alcina I'm afraid I'm not here on good terms. Which I'm sure your aware of" she flattened out her dress "your winery has been failing. You've missed your quota for this month, and I believe it's because of distractions" she looked towards you "and I believe I know what it is" she hissed

Alcina gulped "Mother Miranda this wasn't what you called me for... and I assure you my business is fine, this month has just been harder..." she trailed off

"I don't care! And you killing that maid was another sign of how careless you've become. She was a gift! If you can't handle a human being how can you handle a whole business? She couldn't have been that much trouble"

"Well she attacked Y/N! And she was causing trouble with the other maids, I had to... punish her" she said softly

"Oh so Y/N was the reason for it?" She glared at you "I knew I shouldn't have let you keep her. This only proves it" she hissed

Alcinas eyes widened "no... no she wasn't the reason at all! I will take the blame for it, she wasn't trained correctly and I blame myself... Y/N had no real tribute to this!" She argued

Mother Miranda laughed softly, it was cold and dark "No. i feel you haven't learned your lesson... I've been far to loose with you. Even Donna was capable, and you... you who was supposed to be my most successful child have failed" she hissed

You hated how Mother Miranda talked to Alcina... and you could see her daughters felt awkward as well. Even Cassandra looked upset

"Mother Miranda I... I understand I have failed but I... I can fix this. I assure you it will not happen again"

Mother Miranda smirked "oh I know it won't"

She looked at you, her eyes cruel "Give her to me"

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