22. Mine

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(This whole chapter is just gonna be NSFW)

Your heart skips a beat as she speaks,her hands coming down to the curve of your hips to lightly pull you closer. You could feel your whole body heating up... your heart hammering in your chest "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to lie..." you whispered as she gently pulled your face up, her honey eyes meeting yours

"Shh... darling..." she whispered as she leaned forward, her lips grazing your own "I know you didn't mean to. But you did... and you could have gotten hurt my dear... worse then you already are" you glanced away, and you felt her grasp tighten

"Look at me" she purred softly and you obeyed. She didn't speak... and neither did you, the tension in the air building as she kept you focused on her. Slowly she pressed her lips against you... and you felt a rush of euphoria come over you

You knew the feeling of her lips... and every time you craved it further. Her mouth moved in tender passionate movements against your own lips, and you couldn't help but moan softly. Her wine flavored kiss stayed soft... but not for long. Soon she gently bit down on your bottom lip, asking for access which you aloud without question. She smirked and her tongue eagerly slipped between your lips, tasting your soft mouth and fighting for dominance with your tongue

You tried to fight for only a moment... but of course you gave in, earning a little squeeze to your waist from her hand. After a moment she pulled her lips from your mouth and inhaled, her eyes closed. You stared intently, watching as she began to kiss the corner of your lips... then your jaw... going down to your neck once more

You whined as her tongue gently lapped at the bruised bite mark she'd left, some blood still smeared on your skin which she eagerly began to lick and suck... wanting to taste every bit of you

"Ah~" you whined, and her eyes flicked up to meet yours. She smiled and pulled away

"Oh darling...~" she crooned

Her hands began to trail over your body... and she hummed against your skin. You stayed quiet... shivering as her nails scratched your skin through the fabric of your dress

"How I've longed for you my dear... how my heart has ached to touch you..." she murmured, nipping at your shoulder causing you to whimper "and this little incident only gives me a better excuse... to finally claim you as mine... an excuse to let us enjoy each other~" she purred, her claws lightly pulling at the buttons of your dress

"You could have.. t...taken me before... I would have let you..." you whispered, and her eyes softened

"I know my love... I know..." one of her claws extended, and she ripped off your buttons with a satisfying pop, causing your dress to open and fall off. Leaving you with your upper half exposed and her eyes hungrily drinking you in while the rest of the fabric pooled at your waist.

She bit her lip as she looked at you, as if wanting to devour you with her eyes. And if felt like she was... you were burning up under her gaze... you could feel the heat between your own legs building... and you couldn't help but clench your thighs together as you stared at her. You wanted her... badly. and you loved it.

"Then why didn't you?" You ask softly, and her gaze softened

"Because my darling..." she kissed down your collarbone, her hands coming to your hips and ripping off the remains of your dress "there are... forces that forbid me from being with you... or at the least don't want me to..." she cooed against your skin, her hands trailing over your thighs and squeezing them softly "and I am afraid I must obey... but there are limits even I can't stand...~ and this was the last straw..."

You listened, and at this point you just wanted her to start touching you... her eyes fixed on your bra. You whined softly, pleading for her to keep touching... it was almost as if she was nervous to do this... her hands hesitated so slightly, but you noticed

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