5. First Jobs

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Lady Dimitrescu had explained exactly what it was you were supposed to do,and where you were supposed to be,giving you a little warning as to what would happen if you messed up

It was all so confusing,and terrifying,first it wasn't so bad...but then once you realized you were now trapped in a estate,filled with terrifying blood thirsty women,yes her daughters were scary,but in all honesty you were more frightened of Lady Dimitrescu,it was so odd...how she could switch from caring and gentle,to being ready to rip your throat open with her teeth,but another thing that scared you,was how enthralled you were with her beauty...she was almost mesmerizing!

You felt like a teenage girl,having hardly met her,but even the thought of her send butterflies threw your stomach,and made your heart flutter

Your mind was kept distracted by the thoughts of her....while your body was kept busy with cleaning,even though you'd been a duchess you weren't unfamiliar with it,your mother thought it was important to make sure you knew what labor was,she didn't want you to take for granted all the luxuries you were given,and you surely didn't,you appreciated everything and everyone,and in all honesty enjoyed a bit of work,it was nice to keep your hands busy

On occasion,little thoughts of the sisters popped into your mind,the three horrifying sisters,all you could imagine was them chasing you down the halls,sickles in hands and fangs bared,ready to strike and tear you to shreds

You shivered at the thought,the idea of being killed,and eaten

You gagged a little at the idea,shaking the images from your mind as you continue mopping the dark marble floors,candles keeping your path lit,it was a bit odd that there was no lighting....but you didn't mind,it made the room eery,but peaceful all the same

Your job for the day,was to mop all the halls,dust the paintings,and make lunch with the other maidens,all of that would give you time to look around,and hopefully meet new people

3 hours later

At the moment,you were busy dusting off a large painting of The sisters,making sure the faces were nice and clear,as much as you didn't like the people in the painting,you admired the artwork

Your 'artistic thoughts' were interrupted by the sound of Rosa running to you,her heels clicking on the floor,luckily by now the floors had dried,or else she would have slipped

"Y/N! Hey look! I got something for you" she hummed,stumbling to a stop so she didn't fall into you,but you still tried to brace her,just incase

You giggle a little bit as she stands,pushing some of her dark hair behind her ears "here" she handed you a small stack of little papers,about 20 of them

"What are these?" You ask,tilting your head and looking them over

The papers were a little ripped,and had very fancy looking writing on it in black ink,a rose stamp in the corner

"There Called Exit tickets,I found a giant stack of them in my dresser..I must have forgotten about them" she hummed softly,smiling brightly at you

You smile and nod "oh nice! But uh...what exactly do they do?"

Rosa smiles "oh right you don't know! Basically every few months,if you haven't been turned to wine,and are doing well,Lady Dimitrescu gives you these little tickets,it's like a free pass to go to markets and stuff,though a lot i people don't use them....since you have to hand them in to Lady Dimitrescu,and no one really wants to get close to her"

A little red light went off in your head 'great...so she turns you into wine? Dose she sell it? Oh my god do people drink it!' You nearly gag at the thought,drinking other people,there blood,was absolutely disgusting

"I'm guessing that's why you have so many?" You ask,and she nods,smiling a bit shyly now

"Yeah...she freaks me out,honestly I nearly have a panic attack when ever she gives them to me! But she says I'm a more.... 'Hard working' maiden,so I suppose she likes me a little"

You nod "hey well,at least that's good?" You smile a bit 'or incredibly bad...what if the ones she likes get turned into 'special' wines?'

You shake that thought away,especially since she'd made it clear she liked you...and you really,didn't want to be turned into wine "Anyways,I just figured I'd give you some,so you could have something to do,and as a little welcome gift"

"Well it's appreciated,M'lady" you do a little bow,and she giggled

"Alright well have fun with those,I gotta get back to work" she hummed and you nod

"Alright,have fun" you were about to turn so you could go to your next painting,before she called out

"And Y/N?"

"Mhm?" You pause,turning to her

"Good luck..stay safe" her tone turned soft,and almost sad for a moment,before she hurried off

'Well that's not ominous at all' you sigh,before taking a few steps,your mind a bit unfocused now,so unfocused you don't realize you were about to run into someone

You squeak,hitting the back of the person "sorry!" You look up,before your eyes widen,and your stomach drops


"Hello Y/N~"

Shelter (Lady DimitrescuXfem reader)Where stories live. Discover now