11. Memories

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(I promise there is a real plot to this story,so here's a little peek)

It was night now,midnight to be exact,and you were awoken from your rather nice sleep by the sound of shuffling in the corner of your bedroom

"M..mm?" You look up,your eyes barley opening,sleep nagging at your mind and body,making it hard to sit up,your head fogged still as you looked around,looking at the corner of your room

"Ngh...Daniela I swear if that's you..." you mumble and rub your eyes,and the shadow shifts

"You are such a pathetic women...how did we ever let you into court! You are a disgrace to the L/N family" a familiar voice spoke,and your eyes widened

"Yara?" You tilt your head "H..how did you find me? How did you even get in?" Your voice wavered with fear

"It really wasn't that hard,Y/N,did you think you could hide from me? From us? We threw you out to die,and you didn't,so now we must finish what we started" Yara,one of the women who'd thrown you from your home,stood in the corner,she was one of the women who had degraded you for years,who'd tormented you with tricks,once even putting a venomous snake in your pillow in hopes it would bite your eye and blind you

"Yara...how...I..I left! You cast me Out! Surly I'm not a concern I..you can't really mean to kill m..me?" She smirked,her green eyes glowing as she walked forward,her silver hair flowing like melted iron down her shoulders

"Well,I must finish what I started,and end the mistake that was put into this wretched world,like your mother should have done when she saw how weak you were" snarled,and suddenly,you were out of bed,and back at your home...

You looked up at the large building,it was smaller then castle Dimitrescu,but still big,with towers that looked over the lush land,flower vines creeping up the walls of the towers,but now,the bottoms of the vines were on fire,creeping up like Snakes,the air filling with smoke and your eyes burning,crows flying over head,crying out in warnings of death,the pitch black night sky only illuminated by the faint glow of the moon that hid behind grim clouds and the glow of embers "how...how is this happening!" You scream

And suddenly you were pushed down,bent over on the stone steps,hissing in pain as your head hit the corner with a satisfying crack,a light trickle of blood coming from your forehead

"Your so pathetic Y/N,I don't understand why we didn't get rid of you sooner...you failed,you could have been so powerful,better then all the other lords...but I suppose not everyone is meant for greatness" she hissed pressing her metal heel onto your back,and you whimper

You were suddenly surrounded by a swarm of people,all of them holding torches,menacing smiles on there faces,most of them people you knew,people you had considered friends,but when you were thrown out like dust to the wind you had realized they were in fact,not,and this moment only proved it

"Yara please! Please I won't ever bother you! Ever again! I'll never cause trouble ever just let me go! I'll stay quiet I'll never tell anyone!" Her dark hiss of a laugh cackled above you and she looked down,pressing her spiked metal heel deeper

"Oh I'm sure you won't,you have been a thorn in my side for far to long,and I can't have pests like you around,now can I? Distracting them from all there duties...to me" Yaras voice waved,as if it was not her own,before it snapped back,and a tall man walked up to you,sword in hand,he was covered in blood,leaving a trail of it behind him,along with the heads of your new friends and other maidens at Castle Dimitrescu,and you began to sob and squirm,Tears and blood running down your face

"No! No no no! Please! Please please!" You screamed and begged for your life

"Do it"

Was the last thing you heard,before the man's sword came crashing down over your neck,separating your head from your body,making it roll down the steps leaving a bloody mess,before Yara kicked it away and everyone disappeared,leaving your lifeless body on the steps of your old home,in darkness and in fire

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