15. The call

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(Woooo Pov Switch)

Lady Dimitrescu

She huffed as she sat at her desk,picking up her phone "So you finally decide to grace me with a call" her tone came out sarcastic and bitter

She'd called Her pathetic-man child of a brother after Y/N had told her about a little run in with a Lycan the week she had come to her,while she was on her grounds! How could he be so stupid and let his beasts wonder into her estate! The nerve he had!

"Oh don't get your tits in a twist,that little message you gave me was reminder enough of how 'oh so scary you are'" he chuckled Over the phone,just waiting for her to explode on him as he seemed to enjoy it,she wasn't going to let him have the satisfaction of getting her riled up,not this time,this was about Y/N,and her safety

"Oh you little-" she huffed,composing her self "fine fine,let's just talk about this Civilized for once,or do I need to dumb things down for you" she smirked,and he grumbles over the phone,the sounds of metallic banging echoing in the background

"Oh you think your soooo much better then me don't you? With your giant estate and your fancy-Shmancy wine company"

"Yes,yes I do" she hummed,looking at her black nails 'I need to repaint them.." she thought

"Listen here you supersized bitch!" He yelled over the phone,and she just looked at the mini mirror she had on her desk with a distasteful look

The idea of staying composed was out the window

"Silence Heisenberg,let me finish"

"How dare you,you pompous bitchy-"

"Oh shut up you pathetic man-thing! Let me talk for one minute please,you insolent child!"

He paused for a minute,allowing her to compose her self,huffing softly and straightening her self in her seat

But he stayed silent,allowing her to speak without interrupting with his childish insults "now...to what I called you for,one of your ghastly little Lycans was on my estate,and almost killed one of my maidens!" She let out a soft growl

"So? Why should I care,why should you care? Your not exactly known for caring for the well being of your little toys" he snickered over the phone,and her hand clenched into a fist

"She is not-" she let out a breath and rubbed her temple "that's not important,what is important,is that you learn to control your beasts!"

"Awww dose the big bad bitch have a little lover? Don't tell me you have feelings for who ever this little maid is!" He let out a laugh,and she snarled into her phone

"Heisenberg if you don't shut up this isn't I will come over to that wretched estate of yours and burn it to the ground"
She growls,her nails drumming on her desk as she listened to his gritty laughter

"I'd like to see you try!" He let out a breath,seemingly done with his hyena like laughing fit,and she clenched her teeth

"Just control your beasts! You insolent Man-thing!" She snarled,listening to his howls of laughter start up again,before slamming the phone down,he always managed to get her heated and it was infuriating!

"Ugh I swear one day I am going to rip his grimy little head off his pathetic little  body!" She yelled,standing and slamming her chair back into her desk,turning to her door "he is so infuriating! I want to just..." she made a choking motion in the air,imagining his body dangling off the ground in her claws "aargh!" She yelled again

"Mother?" Came a voice from the door way,and she turned her head to Bela,her gaze softening

"Yes my little raven? What is it?" She asked,walking over to her

"Are you alright? You seem upset..."

She sighed,and pats her daughters blonde hair "yes I'm fine my little one...just stressed...your idiot of a uncle is just being frustrating" she hummed and Bela nods

"If you say so mother" she smiled,before turning into her swarm and buzzing off,most likely going off to 'play' with one of her maidens in the dungeon with her sisters

She sighed,and rubbed her temple,letting out a breath and relaxing her shoulders "I suppose I could have My daughters go out and exterminate them...they need the fresh air anyways" she said to her self,glancing at the window and looking out onto the icy land "but..when it gets warmer" she adds shaking away some darker thoughts from her mind

Remembering her bath,she started to walk down the halls,heading to her bedroom again,hoping Y/N was still there 'maybe she'd like to join me...' she thought to her self,humming happily

'I know I certainly would like if she did' she chuckled a bit,stopping for a moment to look at her self in a mirror that was in the hallway,adjusting her hair,and turning her hat so it was at the right angle

"Much better" she nods,before continuing her on way,little thoughts about her darling Y/N filling her head,she'd found her self obsessed with her maiden,and she had no idea why,she couldn't explain the need she had for her,the need to protect her,the need to maybe even love her...?

No no...there was no way she'd take her anyways... most maidens feared her,so why wouldn't Y/N be the same? It didn't matter if she had feelings for her...Y/N could always see her as a monster...

But then again,she'd seemed to like the affection she'd given her in the days earlier...she knew she had a hold on all of her maidens,a desire she could spark,and she couldn't tell if that was what Y/N felt,or if it was genuine...  but either way,she loved it,she loved holding her,caring for her,and god the kiss she'd shared with her was exhilarating! 

Maybe...maybe if she gave Y/N a gift she'd get a idea of the feelings she had for her...even if neither of them understood it,they could explore it,and a gift was a great way to start

"Yes that's what I'll do,I'll call Donna and I'll have her make a dress for her...and then maybe we could go do something fun..." she sighed,happy thoughts filling her mind

And as she got closer to her bedroom again she was only clouded with more of those thoughts,hoping Y/N was still there..a bath would have been a perfect time to bond,or at least tease her

She chuckled at that thought,opening her bedroom door and calling out

"Y/N? Y/N my dear are you still in here?"

There was no response

She sighed,and walked into her bedroom heading for her bath "what a shame...I would have loved if she joined me" she chuckled at the thought,before closing her bathroom door with a hum,unzipping her dress with a soft grunt,setting her hat on the sink,and stepping into the warm rose scented water

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